Chapter 23

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Mystery Persons POV

It worked I chuckled to myself as I watched the girl run away. Now I have to sit back and watch the show.


Thor's POV

All day I was out with Volstagg, Hogun and Fandral. We were hunting, a sport we all enjoyed, knowing this would be our last for a long time. The war was looming around the horizon and we needed to be ready.

Now I was sitting in the council chamber. We were trying to sort through the plans of the war. "How much men do you think we should send to the east side?" A council man asked my father.

Before my father could answer someone burst through the doors. "Celaena?" My father said looking up in surprise.

As I looked at her I noticed her face was covered with splatters of red. Her hair was flowing down her back she had on a leather jacket and trousers I frowned. Her eyes were bloodshot and when I looked down I and saw something her hand.

She smirked and threw it on the table it landed with a thud in front of me. I gasped, it was head. The neck was ragged and blood was all over it making un-recognisable.

"What is this Celaena?" I asked.

She looked at me her eyes full of hatred, I was confused what did I do?

"What is this Celaena?" My father repeated.

"He was trying to rape me" she said simply "I got mad. Now he is here. Well only part of him"

The council was looking at her in disgust she smiled darkly. " I did you a favour now your dungeons won't be be cramped."

"Why did you do this?" I asked even though she already explained and I am ashamed to say that I thought this guys deserved what he got how dare try something with her?! My mate.

She scowled at me "Do not speak to me you bastard!"

I looked at her not knowing what to say.

"Get out" my father said calmly.

She smiled and bowed and stalked out of the room. "Father may I be excused?"

He nodded and turned back to the silent council and continued in what they were saying. I walked over Celaena's room hoping that she would be in here. I walked in without knocking and found her standing there looking at me.

"Celaena what's wrong?"

"Stop acting like you don't know. Do you think I'm a fool?" She shouted at me "I saw you Thor, you and Kari outside in the garden."

I looked at her confused " What do you mean? I was with Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun all day. Then I came here to the council."

She threw head back laughed but it did not reach her eyes. Her eyes now had lost the sparkle instead they were cold and lifeless. The girl I loved was gone replaced by this...this person...this monster.

She looked at me "Get out"



"NO! I did not do anything and I do not know why you are blaming for something that I did not do"

"Thor I saw you with my own eyes." there were tears in her eyes but she blinked them away "I can't do this get out I never want to see you again"

I stepped closer but she flung her fist out and punched me I flew back and hit the wall. I sat up and looked at her there her eyes, laced with shock and hatred. I started to walk to her again but she grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back and pushed me out of her room. As I was pushed out Kari came.

She ran over to me and Celaena and touched my chest "Are you okay?"

Celaena stiffened behind me and glowered at Kari.

"Come on let's finish what we started in the garden ,leave her" she smiled.

"What? What did we do in the garden?"

She giggled "Come on let's go"

"I didn't do anything I'm with Celaena"

"Go Thor it's to late ,leave I don't want to see you again" Celaena said her voice weak, her eyes weak.

I stood there stunned and let Kari drag me away and I watched as Celaena slammed her door shut. When we were far away I shook Kari off.

"What happened in the garden?" I asked.

"We kissed remember?" She smiled again.

I shook my head and walked away. She tried to stop me but I kept going soon she left me with a scowl on her face. I walked into the garden and collapsed onto the grass. My head was in my hand and screamed. What happened? I was never with Kari who the hell is messing with us.

I sat there for a long time. I needed to get her back I needed to some how make her believe that I didn't because I didn't. I heard a rustle behind me I turned and saw it my mother.

"My dear what is the matter?" She asked softly.

I shook my head a sob going through my body she wrapped her arms around me like she did when I was kid and I got hurt. She looked at me with warm and kind eyes and I explained what had happened. After she looked at me thoughtfully.

"Someone wanted to ruin your relationship" she stated immediately with no hesitation.

"Yes but who?"

"I do not know my son but you need to get her to believe you."

Nodding, I stood and she followed she walked me to my room and left when I closed the door. I went and had a bath and went straight into my bed. I did not fall asleep for a long time and when I did I had nightmares, nightmares of loosing Celaena.

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