Chapter 6

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Thors POV

I could not believe it! How can my father put the faith of our kingdom to this woman, this assassin? I do not care that he says that the metal giants are un-beatable. I grumbled to myself as I kept my hand on Celaena's arm leading her to her chamber's.

She turned her head looking at me with her strange piercing eyes. She smirked and looked away. I could not deny her beauty. Her hair was strange colour for it changes from a dark black to a softer brown. She had tall form but not as tall as mine. She had a strange grace about her that I did not have but it reminded me of my brother and how his tall frame used to walk around with such stealth and almost grace that me and my friends had teased him for, how wrong we were to do that then.

When we reached a set of doors, which was right next to my own room, we walked in and she looked around. The room was gold and had a bed in the middle. The sheets were silk, I knew this because they were like mine, there was bathing chamber to the left of the room and on the right was a dresser with a large mirror above it and next to it was a closet that was filled with dresses arranged neatly. It was like my father knew that she would agree.

I removed my hand from her arm and she stalked into the room she walked towards a set of glass double doors, which lead to the balcony and looked through them. There was strange sadness in her eyes like she was remembering something that was not so pleasant but when she caught me looking the look instantly vanished and was replaced by the malice and coldness I had seen whilst fighting her.

She looked in the closet and her face scrunched up in disgust.

"What is it?" I asked with a sigh.

"Why are there so many dresses? I would rather have trousers." she said her eyes flicking over to me.

I looked at her in shock "You are an Asgardian woman, you must wear a dress."

"You and I both know you do not see me as an Asgardian let alone a woman. I will keep some of the dresses but will you please send someone to Midgard and retrieve my clothes?" she looked at me with pleading eyes that had probably lead many to their deaths.

I glared at her and ran a hand through my hair "You are an assassin why should I listen to you?"

"Because, your life and your kingdoms lives are in my hands and I would rather that I was comfortable training you" she spat at me with anger, like training us had been the last thing she wanted to do, well of course it was, besides I would have rather taken my chances than listening to this person.

But as I looked at her I saw her and pleading look she had and couldn't help but give in "Fine" I let out a breath, I was going to regret this, but what was to regret about getting clothing.

I called for a servant and instructed her to send someone to grab Celaenas clothes from Midgard. She nodded with smile and I smiled back at her.

I heard a snigger behind me and turned to see Celaena sitting casually on her bed, her arms straightened behind her looking at me and the servant with amused eyes. I looked away and sent the servant on her way and I sat down on a chair in the corner.

"So are you just going to sit here watching me?" she tilted her towards me with a sly smile.

"Yes" I simply replied.

She shrugged and lay down sighing.

After a few hours the maid returned with Celaenas clothes and Celaena smiled taking them from the servant. She walked into the toilet and came out in a tight pair of trouser and a black shirt.I caugth sight of something black on her collarbone but she flicked her hair over her shoulder covering it.

I got up and walked to the door "Come on it's time for dinner"

She smiled and followed me out her shoes clicking behind me.

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