Chapter 15

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Celaena's POV

"HELP!" I screamed out waking up. I looked around the room and calmed down. It's fine your in the palace, not there ,don't think about just don't. My hair was matted against my forehead. Suddenly, the door to my room burst open. Thor came in without his armour or a shirt. I looked at his bare chest, which may I add was well sculpted and I could not stop staring.

"What is the matter? Is everything alright?" He asked quickly.

My eyes looked over him and looked into his eyes, which showed concern and something else, which I could not decipher. "Yes I am fine it was...just a nightmare nothing more. You need not to worry."

He looked at me unsure "Are you sure Celaena?"

"Yes I am."

He nodded slowly and looked down he realised that he did not have a shirt on and blushed. I smiled slightly, getting up I walked over to him and tilted my head. He looked back at me and I did not know what to think it was as if my mind was not functioning. I ran a hand up his chest over the ripples of his stomach. He shuddered and came closer his face merely inches from mine. I could feel his sweet breath against my face and I wondered what it would be like to feel his lips pressed onto mine. Kairon's face flashed before me and I quickly pulled away taking deep breaths.

"Well thank you for checking on me I will see in the arena." I said breathlessly and looked over to him.

He looked at me and I could see something like longing. "Actually my father said that today is a day off because he needs to discuss things with the men it will be just me and you."

I nodded and walked over to the bathing chamber to try and clear my head.


Thor's POV

As I walked away from Celaena's room the thought of how close her lips were from mine my fresh in my mind. I remember how soft her hand felt against my stomach. I walked into my room and changed into my normal clothing. I wondered what kind of nightmare got her so shook up.

I walked out and started to walk to the throne room. My father had sent to me in the morning but I was distracted by Celaena's screams for help.

When I reached the doors that lead to the throne I straightened and walked in with my head held high. There sat my father and my mother on their thrones. I nodded towards some of the guards that lined the sides of the room and walked towards my father. I knelt before him.

"Rise my son." My father spoke.

I stood and looked to him. His eye held no emotion whilst my mother looked at me with warmth in hers eyes.

"Tonight, as you know is the celebratory ball for my and your mothers marriage." I nodded slowly unsure a to where this was going. "I want you to invite Celaena."

I looked at him trying to hide any emotion from my face " But why father?"

"Because I need people to see that she is obedient to me and that she is not out of control. Also, we need to make sure no metal giants manage to sneak into it."

I looked at him slowly nodding "Very well father I will inform her."

"Good and one more thing you are to escort her and act as if she is yours ."

I felt my mouth open but before I could say anything he said " There is no arguing now go and ask her to the ball."

Nodding, I walked away going to Celaena's room. I did not know what to do or say. I can't just ask her, can I? Shaking my head I walked towards her room and knocked. She opened the door and I saw that she was once again wearing trousers and a shirt that was black had long sleeves. Once again I saw black writing across her collar bone and I could not help but brush my hand along them. She jerked back and looked at me in shock.

"What is that?" I nodded to towards the letters.

"A tattoo. It is basically ink on my skin Thor it is not uncommon here, some of your warriors have it." She shrugged.

"Yes but they are all male."

"Come on Midgard has no problems with this, why should it be a problem . It is our skin is it not, besides it does not really matter does it?"

"I guess you are right." I sighed reluctantly " What does it say?"

"We create our own destruction" she said pulling her shirt down slightly so I could see the cursive writing.

I nodded silently and looked at her " Would you like to accompany me for a horse ride?"

"Very well since I have nothing better to do."

I smiled slightly moving away from the door as she stepped out. I started walking through the winding corridors leading her down to the stables. We arrived at a small structure that was brown and was surrounded by flowers that were vibrant and blooming. I went over to where my horse Senta was being kept.

"She is a beautiful horse." Celaena murmured.

"Yes she is. She is also very powerful. Go on pick a horse for yourself."

She looked at each of the horses and walked to a black one stroking it nuzzle.

"What is this ones name?"


"It is a beautiful horse but it's name is a contradiction to its colour. Doesn't that name mean battle of the sun."

"Yes but she has a strong spirit just like the sun."

She smiled lightly, as the stable boy came and started to prepare the horses. Once done me and Celaena slid onto our own horse. She smiled at me holding her reins making sure the horse did not gallop away.

"Now where to?"

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