Chapter 20

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Celaena's POV

I sat there on Thor's bed my head in my hands. There was too much happening I felt like my life was being turned around in a whirlpool. First I find out that it was not King Odin that killed by parents but it was King Flareos of the metal giants. Then Frigga tells me and Thor that we share a bond? Why is my life so complicated?

Thor? Thor knew about my parents death because of a dream and he was my bonded mate. All I could think of was the way his lips felt against mine tonight and the way his arms wrapped around me making feel safe. I looked at my arms which were covered in small cuts from my nails. My knuckles were bloody and they stung.

Thor walked over and put his hands on my shoulders "Come on. Let's clean up your knuckles."

I stood following him into his bathing chambers. He sat me down on the edge of the tub and went to work getting a cloth and wetting it. He came over and took on of my hands in his large one and started to clean them. I hissed in pain when the water made contact with my knuckles.

"I'm sorry" Thor muttered standing up and getting more water.

Once he finished doing that up to both of my hands he got a salve out from a shelf and started rubbing it all over the cuts.

"Why would you do this to yourself Celaena?" Thor questioned.

I stared at nothing in particular "I deserved it" I answered simply.

"No you didn't you don't deserve anything like this."

Staring into his eyes. They showed so much passion and kindness it made me wonder how am I the one for his to be bonded with surely there is a better woman for him out there better than me, who has killed many with no question.

"Celaena please stop blaming your self for things that you have no fault in" Thor's deep voice sounded strained.

I hung my head down and I heard a sigh. I felt his strong arms wrap around me and carry to his bed he sat and held me there. I felt myself relax under his touch. I buried my head into the crook of his neck breathing in his wonderful sent. "I don't deserve you." My voice came out muffled.

"It is not about if you deserve something or not it is about how you feel towards that person and I have never felt something like how I feel towards you" he let out a breath.

I pulled my head away enough to look at his sparkling eyes "What do you mean?"

"Celaena you foolish girl." He sighed obviously exasperated "I love you"

I froze those three words that came out of his mouth wrapped me in a blanket that made me feel warm. Staring into his eyes I leaned forward and placed my lips against his. It felt right it felt like a piece of the puzzle in me has completed. I felt him respond immediately but unlike the kiss we shared in the ballroom this kiss was soft, kind and full of love.

His hand caressed my cheek and pulled me closer. My arms were around his neck my hand running through his soft hair. I loved this man and I knew there was no going back I couldn't let go of him. We kissed and kissed our breaths mingling with the each others. When we pulled away we were breathless.

I said what I knew was going to what made this real, what made this something that I could not return from. "I love you."

His eyes bore into mine full of joy and happiness he pressed his lips onto mine a small and passionate peck. "I will never let you go Celaena. Never not my father or Flareos will ever take you away from me"

I felt my self fill with a feeling thought I would never feel again. Love. Love for this man. Love for everything he is. And I'll be damned if something came between us.

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