Chapter Five

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'Come on guys first day' My Mum shouts up to me and Kye.
'I swear all she ever does is shout at me to get out of bed' I moan, as I slowly climb out of my bed and start getting ready for my first day at school. Thirty minutes later I am dress in a cute outfit, well I think it is cute black leggings and a black hoody with my hair wavy and black eye liner on. Ok maybe I went over board with the black, people are going to think I am a goth or something, I laugh to myself and go downstairs to make myself a cup of tea while I wait for Harrison to pick me up and take me to school. I probably should of had my Mum take me on the my first day, but I should be ok with Harrison, I means he goes to the same school and he knows where everything is. Kye comes downstairs and heads straight out the door, I am guessing he's off to college, and probably running late. I am beginning to miss my closeness to Kye. I have always thought the world of Kye, he was always here when I needs him but the last few months he's seem withdrawn and distance. In my heart I knew why he was like this.

Kye's flashback
'Why's the front door unlocked and slightly opened' I mutter to myself, as soon as I open the door I see  Marie laying unconscious at the bottom of the stairs in a puddle of her own blood.
'Shit, Conner ring a ambulance' I shout out to my  cousin, he was just behind me but stop to finish his cigarette, Conner comes rushing in the doorway and comes to a stop when he sees Marie.
'Shit Kye' he says as he dials 999.
'Hello I need a ambulance' I hear Conner say to the phone operator.
'Please Marie don't be dead' I say as I try to feel round her neck, to see if I can find a pulse. Marie looks so peaceful laying there, but she's as white as a sheet, finally I feel what I am looking for.
'Tell then I've found a pulse Conner, but tell them to hurry she's lost loads of blood' then something catches my eyes on the floor there's  a white stick next to Marie shoes.
'Shit Conner, she's pregnant' Conner's face drops we both knows who's kid it must be. I stay with Marie til the ambulance arrived, and I watch them lift her on to a stretcher to get her in the ambulance.
'What her name son?' The paramedic asked me 'Marie' I replied, I then hands the paramedic Marie pregnancy test.
'She's pregnant'
As soon as they arrive at the hospital our Mum turns up.
'Thank god you found her when you did' she says hugging me.
'Mum, I found a positive pregnancy test next to her' her face drops, she gives me a hug and tells me not to worry. After what feeling like hours later the doctor arrives in the waiting room to speak to our Mum.
Is she going to be ok?' Mum asks the doctor,
'I am afraid she lost they baby and has suffered a haemorrhage from the miscarriage. Which as a result has lost a lot of blood, we have stabilise her and shes in the process of having a blood transfusion, there is some bad bruising coming up but she should be fine and have no lasting damage' my Mum thanks the doctor and turns and hugs me.
'She'll be fine son' but all what going through my head was where is Luke.

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