Chapter Twenty Three

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Jade POV
I've been with Marie like a hour now, we are half way through the film and between us both we have eaten most of the pizza. I feel better within myself for telling her the truth, but I feel bad over this whole Will business. Hearing her pouring heart out to me about him and knowing that she is leaving it to him as she wants him to be happy. I guess I probably should text Will and let him know it's ok with me and Marie.

Me - Hi William everything is fine between me and Marie just wanted to let you know
Will - thanks Jade, I need a fav
Me - wat would that b?
Will - I want my girl back ☺️
Me - awwwww want my help?
Will - yeah, I am not quite sure how to do it.
Me - date night and leave the rest wiv me for now
Will - ty I'll text her tomorrow when u ain't with her looks less suspicious
Me - good thinking, I've gtg as I am watching suicide squad with her.
Will - I ain't seen it.... ain't good?
Me - it's her fav film at mo, good for date night ttyl

'Who's that your texting, better be someone important' I smile at her if only she knew
'Oh just one of my buddies' I know she'll be so happy to know that Will wants her back, but I am not going to wreck the surprise for her.
'Oh I just hope Will would text me, he was here earlier. Wanting to know if I slept with Jason. I told him the true and he left here in a hurry. I just guess he's made up his mind' she looks hurt and sad.
'Don't give up on him yet, you know he has a lot of things to think about. And besides there are plenty of other guys out there don't just focus on just Will'
'Thanks hun, I guess your right. But at the moment I kinda just want to focus on the joker now' she says with a laugh.
'Oi I want him or Harley or maybe both' she smiles back at me and turns to watch the film. I smile to myself, I don't think I need to do a lot to help get Will and Marie back together, but it does looks like I'll be visiting Will tomorrow to help him win her back, not that he'll need it, she's crazy about him like he is her.

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