Chapter Twenty One

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Will POV
I am sitting on the chair, on my porch watching her front door, I didn't sleep last night, all I could think was he was taking advantage of her. I am going to kill him, I will slowly break his neck in two, a smile at my thoughts. Eventually I see Jason leave her house, as they hug my hands are go into fists, how dare he touch her. I wait till her front door is shut, and he is heading home then before I follow him.
'I know you are there William' Jason turns and faces me,
'Stay away from Marie' I warn him, he smiles
'She loved every minute of it mate' I grab him and pin him to the fence.
'She was drunk, you took advantage of her' he laughs at me,
'What you going to do hit me? kill me? You'll lose her forever, she was drunk cause of you William, technically it's all your fault, and it surprises me you ain't with her now considering I took advantage of her, surly she needs you now' fuck he was right I need to be with her, and being with him will not achieve anything. I hate that he's right. I let go of him and walk back towards Marie's. I heard Jason mutter something under his breath, I ignore him and walk to Marie's. I knock on the door and she answers after a few seconds,
'Will' I smile at her and she hugs me,
'Can I come in?' I push her away I can't bare the thought of touching her knowing Jason was with her last night, and he's been touching her.
'Of course Will' she lets me in, I walk towards the living room and sit on the sofa, straight away I see the empty vodka bottle, stupid girl I think to myself.
'Will I need to tell you something last night I umm'
'Fucked Jason I know, you was drunk he took advantage of you, I don't know if I can have these feelings for you anymore, you've put yourself in a stupid situation. You'll always be my friend Marie but nothing else' she looks hurt worse than when I split up with her.
'I didn't fuck Jason, I just kissed him, I was drunk and pass out, he took me to my bed and stayed with me to make sure I was ok' she's lying to me I know she is.
'How do I know that's true?' She looks hurt.
'Kye, Kye I need you for a minute' why on earth would I want to speak to Kye
'What Marie I am in the middle of something'
'Someone' I heard Marie whisper, I laugh but try to turn it into a cough.
'What happened last night with Jason'
'Oh my god, how many times Marie we've both told you he came to the door you kissed him cos you thought it was Will, then we drank you pass out Jason helped me get you upstairs and we left you there while we played on the Xbox and then he join you to sleep at like five am! Nothing happened I am busy!!' He storms off to his room.
'I am sorry Marie, I honestly thought you slept with him' she looks hurt,
'I technically did slept with him, but sleep sleep not sex sleep' now I feel bad she shouldn't have to justify herself to anyone.
'I am sorry Marie, I am so sorry forgive me?'
'I honestly don't know, why you was so upset over it all'
'Really you don't get why I am upset over it all? I still..... love you Marie, but I ain't ready to take you back I need to get stuff sorted, I ain't gonna ask you to wait forever for me, if someone else comes along promise me you'll pick him' she nods her head and tears come to her eyes, it hurts me too.
'It hurts to think of you marrying someone else Will' then I picture her in a wedding dress marrying someone else and she is right it hurts, I kiss her head.
'I've got to go' I walk out her house.

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