Chapter Seven

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Harrison's POV
'Jade I need your help' I found her sitting on a bench at the park by herself, she looks up at me.
'What do you want?' Sometime she can be a bitch, 'Ummm I kinda like a girl and I don't know what to do' she rolls her eyes at me.
'Sit down' I do as she says '
'She likes you as a friend Harrison, and if you date her you are only going to get hurt.' Wow
'How do you know who I am on about?' She laughs at me.
'It's obviously Marie, Harrison you spend half your time staring at her, and following her around.' I fold my arms.
'I don't stare at her and I do not follow her around she....... just happens to be in a lot of my classes at school' I hate it when she is right,
'Harrison I could be wrong, but I don't think it will work out for you two, she sees you as her friend and even if you date you won't sleep together it will be too awkward and if you do sleep together you'll wreck your friendship, and you know Lola or Rosa will try and wreck any relationship you have too' I sigh,
'Yeah I know they will, Lola wants a fuck and I don't know what Rosa wants to be honest as she has Alex.' 'And Alex may have a thing for Marie, I've seen the way he looks at her and I know you have too.' We sit in silence for a while
'It's worth a try' I tell Jade as I get up,
'Well good luck I guess' now she looks sulky with me oh no please say she isn't crushing on me. As I walk home I decide to text Marie -

Me - hi you busy? X
Marie - nah just laying on my bed watching tv. Hbu? X
Me - no just walking home from park. want to come over for a bit? My sister is out with her boyfriend? X
Marie - Yh can do give me 5mins cya soon x

Shit it's now or never I guess.

Marie POV
'Just going to Harrison's for a bit, I won't be long' I tell my mum,
'He's a sweet boy' I roll my eyes at her and sweet boys,
'He's a good friend mum' I say as I walk out the door. As I am walking down the drive I see Mr eye candy going for his daily run, I smile to myself one day I am going to talk to him. I arrive at Harrison's and knock on the door,
'Hi' I say as he opens the door
'Hi Marie how are you?' He asks as he lets me in
'I am good thanks and you?' Maybe this wasn't a good idea,
'Yup I am good too'. I go sit on his sofa, and start to feel awkward,
'Ummm don't look at me when I say this but do you want to be my girlfriend? Marie' oh shit I look at him and just nod my head,
'Great' he says as he holds my hand,
'I want to take things slow Harrison, especially after Luke and everything' I tell him,
'I'll look after you baby' he says as he kisses my head. I felt bad for him and instantly regretted saying yes to him, well nodding my head but what harm would it to do, he's happy right?

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