Chapter Fifty Five

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'Shit, I am late' I inform to Jason and Jade, as we walk through town.
'Late for what, you never said you had to be anywhere today' Jason says
'No my period is late.' I knew the sickness was going to be leading to this, but listening to how Jade had her period a week ago and I haven't had mine, it means I am in this situation again. I am at least a week lately . How on earth do I tell Joel? He isn't answering my texts or calls.
'Let's not panic Marie' Jason says to me,
'Let's just go get a test and see what it says, you've had a stressful two months could be that' Jade seems quite calm, but she isn't the one having a pregnancy scare. We go to the nearest drugstore, I end up buying a two pack pregnancy test set, Jade was hungry so we headed for McDonald's, so jade can get herself something to eat and I can also use the toilets there, I feel physical sick I am pretty sure I can't eat anything. I am completely lost in my thoughts and what to do if theses pregnancy tests come back positive.
'Marie, what did you want' Jason ask, bring out of my thoughts.
'Just get me a chocolate milkshake please'
'No you need to eat something, how about a Big Mac and fries with that milkshake' I smile at him and let him order. As soon as we have the food we head up stairs and sit near the toilets.
'Go on then Marie, go pee on them sticks' Jade says where munching on her fries,
'I am scared' they both look shocked at me.
'Go take the test and whatever the result we will both be here for you' Jason replies while holding my hand, I smile as I grab my bag and head towards the toilet. After I pee on the sticks, I put a five minute timer on my phone, then back to the table where Jason and Jade are waiting for me.
'Don't put them on the table Marie, your piss is on them' laughs Jade while she starts to unwrap her double cheeseburger,
'I didn't think of that' I laugh. This has to be the longest five minutes of my life, I try and take my mind off it by eating and watching YouTube as Jason and jade are eat their food there is no way I'll get a conversation out of them, after what feels like forever my phone starts to vibrate indicating the five minutes are up.
'Times up guys' I say to them both, I reread the instructions, my hand are shaking.
'Ok, so two lines mean pregnant, one line isn't pregnant........ I can't look guys you do it' I pass the tests to Jade and Jason.
'Umm mine has two line Marie' Jason informs me.
'They both have two lines, they're both Positive' Jade whispers to me, my heart drops and I burst into tears where is my Mum when I need her? Oh yeah starting her new life with Kye's dad, I don't know what to do.
'I'll help you Marie, you won't be by yourself through this, whatever you decide to do' Jason says holding my hand but deep down I know he hates kids, and my mind is already made up.
'Thank you Jason, I will be keeping him or her'
'I'll be here for you too Marie, umm is it Joel's baby or Will' asks Jade.
'I am a month late it's Joel's there is no way it can be Will's.' I reply, there is definitely no going back for me and Will now, its breaks my heart I can't expect him to take on someone else kid, my eyes fill with tears again, I miss him so much but I guess this is a feeling I need to get used to.
'You want us to come with you to tell Marc Marie?' I smile at Jason,
'No it's fine thank you both, I need to go somewhere now. Love you both' I give them a quick hug. I know one person who could, well actually who would help me. I turn up at her door and knocked hard on it hoping she'll answer it.

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