Chapter Sixteen

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'Hi, are you ok' I hear a guy say to me as I am sitting on the grass outside my house, I just couldn't face going in there yet. Great I've finally stopped crying and now someone wants to talk to me.
'Yeah, well actually no' I say as I look up straight into the eyes of my hot guy, dam he is so fine.
'I am William, but call me Will'
'Hi Will, I am Marie'
'Want to talk about?' Will asked me as he walks in to my garden and sits down beside me,
'My boyfriend dumped me, said he couldn't trusted me'
'Oh his mistake then' Will smiles
'So your British then Marie?' Will asks me,
'Well how could you tell' I reply back.
We end up talking for a while, I tell him about Luke and my miscarriage in England,
'You are so brave and strong' Will tells me as he stokes my hair,
'Thank you' I laugh at him.
'What's your dream car Marie'
'I've always wanted a Ferrari' I tell him,
'A red Ferrari' I smile at him
'Tell you what I'll buy you one, one day... Maybe when I am sixty, but I will buy you one. I have a life plan where I want to join the army so I'll need to save a while for it' I smile stupid to myself I am falling for him, he's kind and gorgeous.
'Umm when your sixty maybe kinda too long for me to wait Will, and army wow that's dangerous and brave' I smile,
'But thank you it's in my blood my Dad has been in the army and so has his Dad and his Dad before him and so on, all the males on my Dad's side of the family have been in the army at some point in their life' I look into his eyes they are a perfect sky blue.
'Wow your family are so brave Will, all to be in the army fighting for their country?'
'Yup, I kind of already know I want to follow in their footsteps, I train every day at the gym for two hours ready for sign up.' Damn he's committed to the army I guess I have no chance with him now.
'Well I've got to go to the gym now Marie, pass me your phone so I can put my phone number in so if you get bored or want a chat just message me, or even to hang out for a bit, I was new here once and I remember what it's like to have no one to talk to.'
'Here' I pass him my phone and he adds he's number,
'See you around Marie' he says as he leans down and kisses my cheek. I feel myself blushing.

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