Chapter Forty Three

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'Hi Marie' Joel says as he walks over to me.
'Hi Joel' I give him a quick hug,
'I can't be too long, I know I promised to see you today but I kind of promised my friend I would help him set up for his party tonight, do you want to come to the party so I can spend some time with you? Um you don't have to, but it would be nice to get to know you more' Whats the worse that could happen? I think to myself,
'Yeah I'll come can I bring two of my friends'
'Yeah I'll pick you all up at seven' he kisses my cheek and walks off. Damm now I need to go get ready, I look a mess this may take awhile, I haven't really bothered with my hair or everything for a month, I mean my legs are hairy. I text Jade and Jason inviting them to the party thank god they messages back and said they would come with me, at least I will know two people there, I message them both back telling them to come to mine for six thirty, and that they can both stay here after the party. I go have a shower, shave my legs, plunk my eyebrows, then after that start to get my hair ready, I decided to straighten it as this past month it's just been tied up. After my hair is done I pick out my outfit, a long dress top and black tiny shorts, I just hope it isn't too cold tonight . I look at myself in my full length mirror, as I look at my body admiring how good I scrubbed up, I look at my hands I decide I need to put on some false nails as i've bitten my nails off. Then my ring, my promise ring catches my eyes, I bring my hand towards my face to look at my ring, Will gave me this ring like a month ago, yeah I know we ain't together no more. I still have hope we'll be together again one day. I love him still, he has a very big piece of my heart with him. I take off the promise ring it feels weird without it, it kinda like a piece of me is missing, and like the final piece of him is gone. I shake my head and put it back on. I know I am starting to like Joel, but I think that's more of the attention he is giving me. I feel like I am betraying Will, but he told me not to miss out on any opportunities, but if he was here would there be any? Before I know it, it's six thirty, Jade and Jason have arrived at mine.
'So who is this Joel then?' Jade asks me
'Well he's a friend of Will's from the gym' I reply
'It's weird though, Will hated drinking was very into all this fitness stuff, but yet his friend has invited his beloved to go to a party, where there obviously will be drinking, I just didn't think guys who go to the gym went out drinking, I mean Will didn't he was like this fitness freak who only drank water, he said alcohol messes up your body' Jason sometimes over thinks stuff, I go up to Jason and hug him,
'I love you, but Joel doesn't drink Jason stop worrying or over thinking you'll have fun and maybe meet someone' I tell him, I feel Jason's hands on my ass, he whispers in my ear
'Maybe I have my eye on someone.' That was weird, he just called me Will's beloved then grabs my ass. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door,
'Coming' I shout, I open the door to see Joel there I give him a hug and he grabs my ass too, what is it with guys and my ass tonight.
'You look amazing'
'Umm don't I always' I reply to Joel, I introduce him to Jade and Jason, then we leave to get to his friend's it only takes ten minutes to walk there. All of Joel's friends seem excited to see who he's brought with him, Joel wraps a arm around me and tells everyone we are just friends.

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