Chapter Fifty Four

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Will's POV
I've just finished another day at school, I really am enjoying it, as I lay in bed I stay to think of all the things I enjoy, like being up at six hundred hours every morning, going for a two mile run, then shower and breakfast. After breakfast it's lessons, normal lessons and other lessons to learn how to shooting, fighting etc. Then dinner at seventeen hundred hours, I am getting so used to how they say time around school, that I now say it like the teachers. After dinner we have a hour for homework and bed at twenty one hundred hours. I am really enjoying being at military school, but I do feel though my Mom is going to kill me on my return home, I have chosen to stay at school during spring break, I don't want to go through saying bye to everyone again, I know it's really selfish of me, I know my family and friends are probably dying to see me. I do kinda of hope that everyone is missing me just as much as I am missing them. And I know there is one person I haven't mention from home, I am trying not to think of Marie, my whole body aches for her. I know in my heart if I came home for spring break, I wouldn't be able to leave her again and I've got this far now, I don't want to throw that all away. Some of the other guys here have girlfriends, I do envy them how they have manage to keep a relationship going while being aways from their girl. I've told most of them, ok pretty much everyone I talk to about Marie, cause most of the guys have seen our picture or I've just got talking to them and relationships always seem to come up, pretty much everyone has told me I am stupid for not trying with Marie, as six months isn't long and if she's who I want to be with we both need to get used to the long distance relationship, as when I sign up I could me gone anything from six months to a year. I did have this crazy thought about going home and avoiding Marie, but that isn't the right thing to do or fair on either of us. I pick up the picture frame which has mine and Marie picture in, I smile as I look at as both in the photo. We both look was so happy there and in love, she is so gorgeous, how could I walk away from her? I run my finger over her face, a tear runs down my face, I use my finger to wipe it away. I feel stupid for being selfish, but I knew she would never stop me doing my dreams. I promise myself one day I will make her happy again. I can't wait to come back home in three months and three weeks, I laugh to myself I am counting down the days like a little kid does for Christmas or their birthday. I know I said I would be ok if she got with someone else, but deep down I know I would personally hunt him down and kill him. She's mine, always has, alway will be. She's my forever and always, I smile to myself at that thought. I am planing to ask her to marry me on my return, first I need to win her back, then I will be asking her to marrying, so when I go in to the army we are married and hopefully she can live in the army base with me. I have everything planned out for our lives, she would probably laugh at me if she knew I did. I just hope she wants me back.
'LIGHTS OUT' shout sergeant Rogers. I put the photo frame away, and get into bed just as the lights go off. I stare at the bunk above mine, I smile to myself, cause I know in my dreams I'll be reunited with Marie.

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