Chapter Fifty Six

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I wait a couple of minutes for Will's mum opens the door.
'Hi Marie you ok?, It's a Saturday we don't have any lessons today' I burst in to tears, everything is just too much for me.
'Marie what on Earth has happen' she hugs me, and leads me into her house. I sit at her kitchen table, as passes me a glass of water, when she is seated opposite me she grabs my hands and holds them, I try and get my words out, but I can't I can't bring myself to tell her.
'Marie, what on Earth is wrong with you, I am here for you take your time' I nod my head, and take deep breathes and try to calm down,
'I am her for you no matter what has happen' a tear leaks for my right eye, what seems like an eternity I finally managed to talk.
'You're... going... to hate me.... I am going to break Wills heart...' she's shakes her head,
'Marie nothing you could tell me would make me hate you' she smiles at me.
'I'm pregnant' her face drops for a split second then she smiles,
'Ok let's get you booked in to the doctors, how far are you?' I look at her,
'Ummm I don't know I've missed one period, though my last one was only a short one'
'Ok let's not worry about that, who's the Dad?' This is what I've been dreading her asking who baby daddy is.
'Joel' I look at the floor and then to my hands I twist my hands and pull at my promise ring, this is all I have left of Will and I've managed to betrayed Will with his friend. She leave the room, and comes back after a couple of minutes with her phone,
'Joel? The one who goes to Will's gym?'
'Yeah Will asked him to look after me' Jane looks concerned,
'Who told you that' she asks me
'Joel did'
'Umm Will and Joel didn't get on, they are both over competitive, and couldn't get on. They used to fight over girls. A lot of girls left Joel to get with Will and vice a versa, I know Joel was bitter towards Will for getting with his ex's.'
'You're joking right?'
'Marie sweetie they don't get on, hang on I am ringing the doctors' I can't believe Joel has done this, did he use me to get back at Will? I can't leave it be I have to text Joel to get the answers.

Me - I know you are ignoring me, but please tell me you didn't use me to get back at Will!

'Right all booked for Monday at ten fifteen' I feel really childish but I need to ask her for a big favour,
'Umm will you come with me? I can't go by myself'
'Of course Marie I see you as a daughter,' I hug her.
'I wish it was Will's baby' tears run down my face,
'I miss him so much and now I've truly fucked things up.'
'Look Marie he will understand that you've moved on, he always wanted what was best for you.' I cry harder.
'Joel gone Jane, he's gone to live with his dad, I am by myself with this baby' then my phone goes off:

Joel - I did to begin with
Me - I don't want to hear from you
Joel - that's fine
Me - btw I am pregnant have a good life
Joel - and why should I care
Me - it's yours
Joel - bullshit
Me - only been with you since Will went. I am a month late Goodbye Joel.
Joel - I used a condom
Joel - Marie
Joel - I will support you
Joel - answer me

Delete, delete, delete and blocked, I don't want to hear this from him, this is my baby I will bring it up by myself. Tears run down my face, I guess I am a single mum now, he or she comes first no one else matters, Jane holds my hand.
'It's ok Marie, I am are here to support you. No matter what happens, I'll be here for you'

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