Chapter Seventeen

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A couple of days later, I am sunbathing in my front garden with Jade in our bikinis, when my phone goes off, I rollled my eyes three guesses who that is, I know it's Harrison he spends most of his time messaging telling me he misses me and being with Lola and Rosa made him realise that.
'Ughhhhhhhh' Jade looks at me,
'What's wrong with you, oh let me guess begins with H ends with N'?'
'How did you guess?'
'He is so desperate Marie'
'I know, I know, how do I get rid of him though' I sit there thinking for a little while,
'Oh my god Marie I've got it let me text off my phone and tell him you cheated on him while he was away. Let's be honest he already thinks it so let's just confirm it for him'
'Will that work?'
'Always worth a try'
I smile to myself, fingers crossed I am rid of him.
'Hi Marie.... oh wow sorry am I Interrupting' I look up and see an embarrassed Will, he's really not sure where to look, bless him two girls in bikinis must be a shock. 
'Nah your fine Will come in if you want and meet my friend Jade. She's trying to get rid if Harrison for me'
'Hi Jade, that's sounds interesting' he replies as he sits down on my lounger.
'Really? An annoying ex being got rid is interesting' I laugh at him
'No no, Will it's not' I laugh at him shaking my head.
'Ummmmm Marie' says Jade,
'He wants me to sleep with him' I sit up on my sun lounger,
'Are you joking me Jade' I feel tears come to my eyes, thanks god for black tinted sunglasses,
'Well if you want to you can I guess'
'Oh yeah that's something I am gonna do.... of course I ain't' I smile. My phone goes off -

Harrison - I hate u, ur a slut go rot in hell.

'Wow he's nice' says Will as he reads the message over my shoulder,
'Want me to go kick his ass Marie'
'Nah you're ok Will, thank you though' I give him a hug, damm he soooo yummy.
'Well look at the time I need to go poke my eyes out with a needle' says Jade, I think we was making her feel uncomfortable.
'See you guys later' she says as she walks out of my garden. Well three was always a crowd.
'What's wrong Will you seem grumpy or sad' I say as I rub his arm, damm it so muscly.
'Nah I am good, just hate the way he spoke to you that's wrong' I smile at him.
'That's sweet. Will, I think you have fallen in love with some girl' I tell him,
'Yes I have' he replies,
'Ooooo I knew it' I smile to myself but I am slightly gutted it won't be me,
'Who is she' I asked,
'Well she's hot, loves her hair, heels and is short? oh and one big clue she wants a Ferrari and I plan on buying her one.' He looks me in my eyes
'You know another girl who wants a Ferrari, damm Will buying all these cars will get you bankrupt' he starts laughing at me,
'No no I am buying one red Ferrari'
'You can buy her one I won't mind' I reply back, he lays down next to me on the sun lounger,
'I am buying you a red Ferrari and her at the same time' I look in his eyes,
'It's me?'
'How long did that take, for you to work out' he laughs.
'Shhhhh I didn't think it would be me' slowly Will moves his lips close to mine and gently kisses me,
'Am I single still?' I ask Will,
'The hell you are, Marie I have fallen in love with you, will you be my girlfriend?'
'Yessssss' I reply just before I kiss his lips, my hot guy is mine.

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