CHRIS HEMSWORTH • daddy's home

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Your hand lingered on the white picture frame as you sat on the bed, a sinking feeling settling in the bottom of your stomach. You were tired, sore and most of all upset. You stared down at pregnant belly, settling yourself comfortably. The picture you held in your hand was of yourself and your fiancé, Chris. He was away for the filming of the newest avengers movie, leaving you pregnant and defenceless with your chaotic 3 year old.

Just as your eyes began to flutter shut, a high pitched screech sounded throughout the house. "Mummy! Mummy!" She squealed, jumping onto the bed. You lifted your head to see her, humming in a response. "Daddy is outside!" Continued your daughter, shaking you with all the strength she could muster.

You sat up, furrowing your eyebrows. Aspyn had a look of pure excitement on her face as she persisted, "Come on mummy!"
You chuckled, getting up from the bed as you swooped her into your arms and waddled of into the lounge. Geez she was getting heavy.

You peered out the large windows that back onto the front of the house, seeing as a car made its way out of the driveway. You put your child down as there was a noise coming from the front door, it eventually opening. Chris slowly and carefully came through the door, not realising you- and the child- were there. "Daddy!" Your daughter screamed, startling your poor fiancé. Chris jumped, a hand coming to his chest as your daughter sprinted as fast as her little legs could take her. He lifted her up carelessly with both arms, hugging her warmly. All the while, you felt tears prick at your eyes, your hand running through your hair.

"Chris." You breathed, his head snapping up to see you standing there. His smiled widened even more as he put your daughter down, walking swiftly towards you. He hugged you at a force that felt both tight and gentle, arms wrapping themselves comfortably around you. He eventually leant back, looking at your belly.
"Our baby boy has grown so much!" He smiled, looking into your eyes. You bit your lip whilst trying to hide the full extent of your smile, nodding.

Eventually, Chris connected your lips, and your heart fluttered as if it was the first time.
"I missed you." He mumbled against your lips, placing another swift kiss onto them, "more than you can imagine."

Edited 🤠

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