PETER PARKER • A spider for Spiderman

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You were woken abruptly but a short shriek. Following that, was a groggy, "what, Peter?" From May next door. You slid out of bed and put on your robe, walking sleepily to the lounge room.
"Peter?" You whispered, not seeing him anywhere.
"Up here," he hissed back, a disgusted and terrified look on his face. He was perched in the corner of the room on the roof.
"Peter what the hell?" You whispered urgently, "what if May sees you?" He remained there, looking down at the coffee table,
"there's a spider," he sighed softly. You audibly laughed, looking at the reasonably small spider crouched there,
"Peter, you're Spider-Man, that is a tiny spider!"

He swiftly lowered himself down as May walked in. "What's going on?" She sighed, barely awake,
"Peter's afraid of the spider," you giggled, pointing out the spider that had now moved to the couch. May walked over, took off her slipper and smacked the spider dead.
"Can we sleep now?" She asked tiredly,
"if Peter's ok now," you laughed, taking him by the hand, heading back to bed.


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