LOKI ODINSON • wrong brother

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You woke up with two arms wrapped tightly around you, stopping you from getting up. You barely managed to roll over, facing the person who held you in their arms. There, groggy and tired, laid your fiancé, Thor. You chucked at the small smile he always had while sleeping, resting your head on his chest. He shifted slightly, pulling you in closer as he slept.

As you fell asleep again, there was a sudden groan of the door opening, and a voice booming into the room. "Brother. Get up." Loki demanded. Thor tried to sit up, stopping when he realised your essentially asleep body was draped against his. Instead, he propped himself up slightly, rubbing his eyes.

"What do you want, brother?" He groaned, glaring halfheartedly at his younger brother. Loki walked closer to the bed with a daring look on his face. He smirked, ripping off the sheets with one sudden sweep. You squealed, the sudden cold waking up you up. You gripped at the sheets that laid mostly off the bed, attempting to cover the nightgown you were wearing. Thor slid out of bed, looking down slightly at his brother. He was still tired, asking what was so important.

"Oh.. well. Heimdall wants you in the throne room. Urgent, he says." Suddenly, Thor was wide awake, slipping on a shirt before leaving the bedroom immediately.

Loki stayed there, a smug smile on his face once again. "Do you need something?" You urged, wanting him to leave so you could get dressed.

"Only you." He smirked, edging closer to the bed. You laughed awkwardly at what he just said, feeling the blush rise to your cheeks. "You do know that you're marrying the wrong brother, right?" He continued, taking a seat on the bed next to you. You looked at him, startled at what he had just said. You always loved both of the Odinson brothers, tossing between who you loved the most.

You had realised where your heart laid claim within the first year of dating Thor, but you never had the heart to tell him. Yes, you are incredibly happy with Thor and see a future with him, but you never could really take the younger brother off your mind.

When you didn't reply to Loki with an immediate no, he was taken aback. "Wait... you're actually marrying the wrong brother?" He whispered, "hold on... do you actually love me?" He was shocked, sitting up slightly. You sighed, putting your hands up to you face. You couldn't believe you had just let this bad of a secret slip out, especially to the man it was about. You felt as Loki pulled your hands away, looking you in the face. "Hey," He murmured, holding one of the hands he just pulled away, "it's ok."  You smiled sadly at him, not wanting to let go.

"Stupid Brother. Why did he ev-" Thor stopped in his tracks as he walked in the doorway, seeing the sight of yourself and Loki. "Y/N?" He asked, "what's going on."


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