TONY STARK • Smoothies

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"God, I would die for a smoothie right now!" Tony yelled above the thunder of gunfire.

"Geez. Tony, we're in the middle of a fire fight right now. Do you really think that's a good use of a metaphor?" You yelled back. A bomb was tossed between you guys, sending you sprawling for cover.

A man came over and grabbed you by the neck, holding a gun to your head. "Give me the suit, Stark!" He yelled to the space he assumed Tony was in.

"I would, it's just, you know I'm kinda nude under here," he said sarcastically from behind a crate. The man loaded his gun and pressed it even harder into your skull, causing a drop of blood to leave the wound it was creating. "Okay, okay... hold on. I need a minute to get it off," Tony chimed in, "shoe first!"

He yelled as he threw one of his boots at the man, but missing him and hitting you in the stomach. "Ow!" You yelled, making a face at Tony. The man shot a round at Tony but it just ricocheted off the suit,

"put your hands up!" Another man shouted from behind Tony, holding an explosive.

Tony raised his arms, all sarcasm and jokes suddenly gone. This just got all too serious. A blue laser burst through the wall, taking out the two guys, Rhodey hovered outside, "Tony, Y/N, when am I gonna be able to stop bailing you guys out of shit?" He laughed.

"Never," Tony said in all seriousness, "we're too immature," then he looked at you again, "can we get smoothies now?" He smiled.

Edited 🥺

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