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"Would you believe me if I told you that I was pregnant?" Tom asked, taking a sip from the drink in his hand. You chucked, replying in the most serious tone you could muster.

"No." You said.

"Why not? I'd make a great parent." He whined, sitting back in the booth seat. You shared a confused glance to Chris (who sat across from yourself and Tom), a laugh escaping from his lips. Tom pretended to slap his hand on the table in anger, but instead it completely missed. This made him sulk even more, him fake crying into his hands about how he's a failure.

"Oh my god. You are too drunk." You laughed, "Evans. Please help me get him up, we need to go home." Chris complied immediately, getting up from his seat. The two of you pulled Tom up from his seat, and he leaned into your hold. None of you even planned to drink, let alone allow Tom to get smashed. Chris only had one, but he had many. You, on the other hand, had none. You preferred to say with the non-alcoholic beverages, as you knew that you'd probably have to drive home.

"Y/N." Tom slurred, a smile appearing on his face. Chris had held the front door open for you, allowing you to trudge in with Tom in your hold. You said your goodbyes to Chris, and he went, leaving only you and your closest friend.

"Mmhm?" You hummed in reply, walking into your bedroom. He giggled as you placed him into the bed, his smile becoming even wider.

"I love you." He cooed, reaching down to try and untie his shoelaces. You moved his hands away gently, untying them for him instead.

"I know you do, Tommy." You said, "I love you too." Tom huffed when you replied, crossing his arms over his chest as you slipped off his second shoe. "What?" You asked.

"Thats not what I meant." He stated bluntly, "like I love love you. Like undeniable love." He grunted, pulling himself up to the pillows on the bed. You laughed slightly, he was too drunk.

"Ok let me help you get you changed, and we can talk about this in the morning." You said, earning a halfhearted nod from Tom.

He slipped his shirt over his head, and you grabbed him some track pants he left at yours a few weeks ago. He got changed swiftly, falling asleep above the covers. You took a picture, making sure to show him in the morning. Smiling to yourself, you laid down on the bed next to him, falling asleep as well.


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