BUCKY BARNES || Magnetic Arm

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You walked into the lounge room to see the most adorable sight. Your daughter- who not to mention was barely walking- was leaned against the couch, a small collection of magnets gripped in her tiny hands. She was wobbling as she leant, sticking the magnets onto the metal arm of your husband. He was fast asleep, his lips slightly parted as he laid there.

You couldn't help but let out a squeak of happiness. Your child spun around slowly, as if she was caught committing a horrendous crime. You smiled at her. "What are you doing, missy?" You whispered, coming towards her small body.

Elena giggled, clapping her hands whilst the magnets were still there. "Here, let mummy help." You walked over towards them, pulling her onto your lap. She stuck a magnet in your face, and you placed it onto his arm. You two smiled at each other, you giving her a quick kiss on the nose. She lent into you, giving you more magnets to place. You continued this for a while, taking some off to only place them back on a few seconds later.

Once Elena had enough, you told her to smile in front of him. She reluctantly gave you a smile, and continued to hit- well tap- Bucky all over his stomach and chest. He stirred, waking  and sitting up. Some magnets fell off his face, and he instinctively wiped it with his metal arm. He did a double take when he saw the magnets.

"Oh my goodness!" He chirped groggily, smiling at Elena, "did yoU do this?"

Your daughter did her usual pitchy giggle, still tapping him. Bucky scooped her up onto his lap, and he began to talk to her. You stood in the doorway, a large smile on your face.

You were so lucky to have them.


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