TONY STARK || Invention

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A soft hum left your lips as you tapped your foot along with the music. Your attentiveness remained on the object before you on the workbench, your eyes not leaving it. One wrong move and it would cause you to have to start again. You'd add something here, replace something there... alter it to ensure that it would work to it's intended potential.

You were screwing something on the backside of the contraption when the lab doors slid open.

"Need some help?" The voice boasted, "I am a genius, after all."

You shot a quick glance over to see exactly who you expected. Tony Stark. You let a huff escape your lips as you swapped the screwdriver for another apparatus.

"Why are you here?" You grumbled, turning over the invention. You used the newly found tool to alter something on the front side of it, your face not changing from its solemn grimace. "I don't need your—"

A spark sounded from before you, causing a yelp to escape your lips. Your invention was smoking... ruined. You groaned, pushing it off the workbench. Smacking your head into your hands, you let out a string of mumbled swear words.

"You were saying?" Tony smirked, raising his eyebrows.

You gave him a warning glare. "It's your fault, you dickwad."

"Excuse me? It's not my fault that I'm so undeniably stunning tha—"

Tony couldn't finish that sentence, as you had just thrown something at him. It was the small pillow that was beside you; pink and florally. It hit him square in the chest, your sudden strength shocking him slightly. You didn't really know why the pillow was in the labs, but you didn't mind as long as you could throw it at him.

"Someone's touchy." Tony breathed, chuckling as he spoke, "well if you don't mind me, I'm going to go over here and work on my suit." He pointed overexcitedly towards the wall of Ironman suits and the one specific one separated into pieces on the other workbench. You ignored him, head still in your hands.

"Goddammit." You whispered harshly, getting up from your seat to grab the now-ruined web slingers that you were intending to give your best friend, "here we go again. Take three."

From behind you, you heard the Stark chuckle.


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