SEBASTIAN STAN • Pillows {2}

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You fell asleep again not long after sending the message, your phone still clutched tightly in your hand. Sebastian woke up a few minutes later, a faint smile coming to his lips. You were content, peaceful. He did recognise that this was somewhat of a weird position to be waking up in, especially for two 'platonic' friends. Seb slipped his arm out from around your body, walking into the bathroom to get ready for the day. 

He could see as you stirred in the mirror of the bathroom, since he didn't bother closing the door. He laughed at how you stretched your limbs as far as possible, before sitting up. You looked down at your phone as you sat up, furrowing your eyebrows at the spam of messages that the group chat has gotten. You didn't check it, placing your phone on the nightstand before heading towards your suitcase. Seb had already showered and had his teeth done when you emerged from the bed, your hair more disheveled than he'd ever seen it.

"Nice hair, crazy cat lady." Sebastian smirked, grabbing some fresh clothes from his suitcase. You shoved his shoulder slightly as you walked passed, heading into the bathroom to shower.

Neither of you mentioned the cuddling in the bed, not until your met the rest of the Marvel cast downstairs for brunch. It was a cast getaway trip, allowing you guys to have a nice break before having to go back and film more movies. You and Sebastian got there (unknowingly) last, your arm linked with his. Anthony and Chris cheered at the sight, yelling a range of different statements.

"Get some, Sexy Seabass." Was the loudest, screamed by Anthony last. People who were sitting at the tables around you guys were shocked, and mildly scared, at the yelling that was going on. Yourself and Sebastian looked at each other confused, before taking a seat at the table.

"So... Y/N's wonderful message this morning to the groupchat... care to explain?" Enticed Robert, wiggling his eyebrows as he reached for some garlic bread. You choked on your water, finally remembering what you sent. Sebastian, still confused, grabbed his phone out and checked. When he brought the video up, you saw as his eyebrows rise and his cheeks go red.

"Oooh yeah." He laughed awkwardly, putting a hand on your knee as he leant back, "nothing to explain." Everyone at the table nodded knowingly, being able to tell that Sebastian wasn't telling the truth.

As the trip continued, everyone became more and more aware of the relationship blooming between yourself and Sebastian. By the end of the trip... let's say you were more that 'just friends'

I like edited this kinda, I mostly just wanted to reread this

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