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You look down at your rain covered body and sigh. By covering your phone with the little bit of jacket that you could spare, you realised you were supposed to be picked up 20 minutes ago. But no. Here you were, in the pouring rain with no umbrella. You contemplate walking home, but it is too far to walk. You almost scream when you see an unread message on your phone. Rachel, your friend, messaged you 10 minutes ago saying that she was unable to get you, and that you need to find another way go get home. You turn and look back at the house you were at. You weren't going back in. After what happened in there, you couldn't face him. The words he said, ones you yelled back. It would be catastrophic for you to go back in.

Instead of wallowing further, you call Chris. The phone rang twice, before Chris' pleasant voice filled the phone. It made you slightly happier, a small smile on your face. You put him on speaker, hunching over the phone to get and keep it as dry as possible. "C-Chris." You stuttered, the rain making every possible part of your body shake, "I ne-need you to come and pi-pick me up. Rachel gave u-up on me." Chris was quick to reply, asking where you were and if he needed to bring a towel. You told him, before hanging up and waiting.

Chris rolled up in front of you, and you scrambled into the car. You swear you were borderline hypothermic, shivering more than you had ever before. You gasped when you came into the warm car. It was amazing. You felt the towel hit your body, and you draped it over yourself as fast as you could manage. Leaning back in the seat, you looked to Chris. You smiled slightly, just having him being here making you feel better. "Thank you so much." You whispered, rubbing his arm as he pulls out from the curb.
"No problem, anything for you." He replied, turning the radio on so it softly played in the comfortable silence. You kept your hand on his arm, tracing small circles on him for the rest of the ride.


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