LOKI ODINSON || Odin's children

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Odin's children. Assumably, there is three of them. Hela, Thor and Loki. Everyone knows the three of them, their own stories being shared across the world. What everyone doesn't know, however, is that when Loki joined the family, so did Y/N. She is the youngest of the four, and also the most 'human' if you will. She quickly adapted to the life on midgardian Earth, almost completely blending in after a few months.

When on Earth, she stayed in the Avengers facility, usually accompanied by at least one of her brothers. Thor would come and they would get Poptarts. Loki would come and they would people watch and slyly mess up things about their day to get a laugh. It was a great lifestyle.

Every once in a while, she would even go to Midtown High with Peter Parker. She already knew essentially everything to be known at their school, so she would accidentally climb to the top of every class she attended. It would make Peter laugh how she would show up to a class for a few days, ace them and then leave for a few weeks at a time. Without a doubt, this would happen every single time, leaving everyone but him and Ned clueless as to how this girl can be so smart but so bad at attending. It was borderline insane.

Y/N was also admired by almost every boy at Midtown high. Flash, specifically, would always ask why a beautiful girl like her would spend her limited days at school with 'Penis Parker' when she could just as easily sit with him. Every time Y/N would stare at him with raised eyebrows and a lopsided smile, shrugging her shoulders as she shows him her middle finger. Flash would scoff, leaving until the next time when he would say something of slight variation.

Peter and Ned thought it was both hilarious and sweet now protective she was of the both of them. Someone pushed Peter into the lockers, and Y/N punched them square in the face. Luckily, it was not long before she left for Asgard again. That kid got a broken nose and a hurt pride, not daring to even look at Peter- Let alone her. Someone also tried to make fun of Ned, to which she threw the closest thing she had at them– a math textbook. Let's just say that that kid did a wide birth around her every time she saw him in the hallways...

Y/N was a force to be reckoned with, just like the rest of the family. She was strong, confident and not to mention hilariously smart.


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