AVENGERS • helpful citizen

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You gasped as Captain America ran past you, jumping up and over flipped cars, diverting in and out of scared civilians. He spun around as he ran, speaking into what seemingly was an ear piece, giving out street names and orders. You always were amazed by Iron Man, Captain America and the others, appreciating how they can use their powers for the greater good. You felt guilty seeing them doing all the work, knowing all well that you could help too.

You saw as a chitauri made its way behind Black Widow as she spoke obliviously into an earpiece, making you immediately worried. With the flick of your hand, you sent the chitauri flying across the street, slamming into a car. Black Widow spun around swiftly, her gaze stopping on the chitauri. She looked at it confusedly before running in an opposite direction, speaking into the earpiece again. You let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding, walking away.

You only got a few steps before you heard a yell from behind you. Captain America was looking directly at you, his gaze confused yet intrigued. He saw you. You began to run, not really knowing why. Somewhere in your mind, you were scared that they were going to take you... do experiments on you like some sick cult did when you were younger. It only took a few seconds before you felt a strong hand clasp onto your shoulder, spinning you around.

Cap was looking you at you inquisitively, his eyes searching around your face. You tried to pull away, but his grip transferred to your forearm, squeezing tightly. "Let me go," you whispered, trying to pull away again. His grip softened, but still holding onto you. He was confused. It was understandable though, a random citizen using telekinesis to move this thing they barely knew existed.

"Who are you?" He asked, leaning into your face slightly.
"Oh. Um. I am- I am Y/N." You stuttered, looking everywhere besides beside his eyes. He let go of your arm, leaving a red ring just below your elbow.
"Well, Y/N. I'd like you to come with me." He stated, walking away. You followed uneasily, unsure of if you could even trust him.

Honey, you can trust captain America, he's hot asf

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