PETER PARKER || 9 hours later...

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A|N: This is supposed to be a part two to another imagine I wrote a while ago. Somehow, the imagine hasn't been posted on here :/ so this is just a standalone ahah. It also has one or two more posts that comes after this on our Instagram. If you want part 1, 3 and possibly 4, DM is on our Insta @/voidmarvels

The sheets rustled loudly as Peter Parker removed a hand from underneath the covers. He grabbed at the phone on the beside table, attempting to hold it in his jittery hands. Squinting, he checked the time. 3:42am. 9 excruciating hours since you left. Simply seeing the unchanged wallpaper on his phone sent shockwaves of pain through his already aching heart, forcing him to shove the phone away from his sight. It clattered onto the floor, likely smashing at the impact. He wasn't in the mood to react.

Peter instead brought both of his hands up to his face, rubbing at his eyes before dragging his fingers down his face. Tears were stinging at his eyes as a lumped formed in his throat. "Don't cry, Peter. Don't be weak." He hissed at himself, forcing himself to sit up completely. He pulled his blanket-covered knees to his chest and leant on them as his eyes adjusted to the darkness.

When they finally adjusted, his gaze automatically latched onto the small lizard enclosure across the room. Just seeing that small enclosure made the tears sting his eyes once again. This time, however, the tears actually fell. They streamed down his face, disregarding his continuous wipes to get them away. Soon enough, the tears turned into sobs, and he was crying into his knees so hard that he could barely breathe. The amplitude of crying must have been extremely loud, as the light to Peter's room soon flicked on.

Aunt May was sleeping when she woke to a loud thud. The walls were thin, you see, so some noises tend to echo throughout the place. She stayed alert for a little while longer, making sure of wasn't someone trying to break into the apartment. But when she heard sobs soon come from her nephews room, she knew she had to rush in.

May let out a flustered, "Pete.", coming to his side immediately. She climbed onto the bed and wrapped her arms around his body, rocking him slowly back and forth. "It's okay." She repeated softly, running a hand through his hair, "everything is going to be okay."
"Sh-she-e's go-o-ne." Peter stammered into May's arms, "she-e left m-me."

He felt pure sadness lace through him that night. The tears allowed him to see the realness of the situation. You left. You left him alone and sad. You didn't tell him where you were going, or when you would come back. Because, the truth is, both of you knew that you weren't going to come back anytime soon. He tried to hold onto the small bit of faith he had, but it left as quick as it came. He was alone. With his Aunt, his best friend's Lizard and a broken heart.


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