TOM HOLLAND || Flashbacks

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"Tom?" You asked softly, looking up at him. Your fingers continued to trace small circles in his chest as he looked back at you, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Mmm?" He replied, sitting up slightly from his position on the couch. You moved with him, since you were laying on top of him. You paused, your circle tracing, placing the whole hand on his chest.
"Why do you love me?" Tom was taken aback slightly at this question, unsure of how exactly to reply. A smile came to his lips as he remembered the day he first realised he loved you many years ago.


"Tom! No!" You screeched, running away from the boy in front of you. He had a devilish grin on his face, along with a handful of water balloons. He walked towards you quite quickly, making you look around everywhere for somewhere to hide. Nevertheless, you were trapped. He was getting closer, eventually trapping you in the corner of the backyard, where the house met the fence. You held your hands up to your face when he was about 3 meters away, bracing for the cold water from the balloons; but none came.

You lowered them carefully, and saw Tom standing there with a sad look on his face. "Did you really think I was going to throw them at you? Am I that bad of a person?" He frowned. He looked sad. Really sad. You dropped your arms to your side, walking towards him as a wave of guild came through you,
"oh Tommy. I'm sor-" you were cut off but an overwhelming surge of cold water hitting your skin. You screamed, an angry smile coming into your face. "Oh my god." You gasped, wiping the water away around your eyes, "You fu*king tricked me!" You jumped up and down on the spot in a stupid attempt to keep yourself warm. Tom was doubled over in laugher, almost falling over on the grass.

Suddenly, you smirked. As Tom was begging to stand up again, you charged at him, tackling him to the ground. "How does it feel to be wet, huh? Bad isn't it?" You hissed, shaking your head about so the water went everywhere. You were straddling him, your hands on his chest. He groaned in both annoyance and pain, resting his hands on top of yours. He looked at you for a few seconds, a small smile on his face. "What?" You laughed, climbing off him. He shook his head, waving a hand about as he sat up.
"Nah, nothing love. Nothing at all."


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