BRUCE BANNER || Dust to Dust

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Bruce was in a panic. He had thoughts in his mind that were running a million miles a minute. His eyes were flickering across the pandemonium on the ground below. Car crashes, destroyed buildings, absolute wreckage. Everything looked horrific from the window of the quinjet.

Amidst the chaos inside his mind, it kept on referring back to one thing.


You were the most important thing in his life. Being his only child, he treasured you more than anything. The two of you had an amazing bond; one that would last for a lifetime. He needed to make sure you were ok. Maybe good men and women disintegrated in the Wakandan forest, as well as (assumably) wherever Tony, Stephen and Peter ended up. He hoped they were ok.


"Y/N? Sweetie?" He asked, knocking on the front door of your house. When you didn't come to the door, he had a pang of bad thoughts. He grabbed the spare keys from the top of the bannister from outside the house, unlocking the door before returning it.

"Y/N?" He repeated, louder.
He walked around the house, the anxiety in the pit of his stomach growing and stretching. He continued to call for you, walking past the bathroom and into the lounge room.

It was then that he felt his heart shatter. On the wooden panels of the lounge, was a pile of dust. Next to it, was a phone. It was unlocked, showing an unsent text message meant for Bruce himself. It read:

Dad. I think I just saw Mr Figg from next door turn into a pile of ash in the front yard. His dog turned into one too. I'm either doing insane or

That was all it said. You must have disintegrated before you could finish. Tears stung Bruce's eyes as he concentrated his eyes on your phone. This was the last thing you touched.

You were gone. Dead. Gone to wherever the hell you go once being essentially cremated. All that was left of you is a pile of dust, still and eerie.

Bruce had never felt heartbreak like that before. It was fine that he swore to seek vengeance on that purple bastard.


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