BUCKY BARNES || Jealously

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A/N: Sorry for not being very active! We are trying to post more often now 💙

You walked into the kitchen, Steve trailing not that far behind you. Seemingly everyone was there in the area, and their eyes rested upon the both of you immediately.

"Mmm... last ones up. You both still look tired." Sam smiled coyly, giving you a wink. You rolled your eyes, ignoring him to go straight to the kettle. Before you could deal with anyone, you needed coffee. You were so focused on going to the counter, that you didn't see the blush that crept upon the super soldiers cheeks. "Oooh and she's moody too. Damn Cap, what di-"

"Ok. That's enough." A voice cut off Sam angrily, and everyone turned to see Bucky sitting at the far end of the dining table. Steve smiled slightly.

"Th-thanks, Buck," He stuttered, closing his eyes for a quick moment to catch his breath, "Y/N and I are not dating."

"Are you sure?" Tony asked casually, taking a sip from his cup. You nodded, and so did Steve. "Well. There must be something going on because no one has th-"

The sound of Bucky getting up and leaving broke Tony's train of thought for a brief moment. You turned from your freshly made cup of coffee to Steve, who looked just as confused at Bucky's sudden departure. You sighed, placing the cup down before leaving the kitchen after him.

"I don't see why you're so grumpy, Buck!" You exclaimed, putting a hand onto his knee. He flinched slightly, looking at it, before letting his eyes trail back up to you. You removed your hand, but not without a sigh. "Please just tell me why."

"Why should I?" He grumbled in response, "go talk to Steve, you're probably secretly having sex with him anyways."
You whipped your head up from your lap to look at him. Your eyebrows furrowed together intently, and you even laughed slightly in pure shock.

"You think I'm having sex with Steve? You. One of the smartest people I know." You shook your head. "Why would that matter anyways? It's not li-"

"How would you feel seeing the girl you love all over someone else." He said suddenly. His face was red, and his fists were in soft fists. You were taken aback even more.

"Y-you love me?" You asked, unsure of what else to say. You could see the realisation wash through his face of what he just said.

"I- I-"

For the first time that day, you cut Bucky off. You grabbed his face softly, and kissed him passionately on the lips to show that you loved him too


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