WANDA MAXIMOFF || odd little family

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You and Wanda were like sisters, that's how you saw eachother anyway. Back when ultron was attacking scovia, you'd saved her life. She was about the be killed by one of the bots when you jumped out of your home and used your laser vision eyes to incinerate it. She was shocked and taken aback. She brought you with her back to the new avengers facility and the two of you became avengers together. Now, after being apart of the team for almost four years, you were well respected and loved by everyone.

One day, Tony Stark brought his little 'side project', as he'd called it when he often vanished, to meet everyone. The side projects name was Peter and he was a fifteen year old kid who had no idea what he was doing and was extremely awkward without his suit on. He was kinda cute, but obviously too young, you didn't even think of him like that, it was more of a little kid cute. The more you saw him, the more you and Wanda bonded with him. She was always happy to see him, whenever he would come over, both of their faces would light up. It was nice to see her with a brother again, she got to be a sister again, and everyone knew that she is the greatest sister.

After she lost her blood brother to ultron, she was hurt permanently. She was probably a different person to what she'd been, but you couldn't really tell, you hadn't known her before. Seeing her joke and talk to Peter, it made you see her as she should be. She looked complete and in her natural habitat. She looked genuinely happy being a big sister to a brother, happier than you'd seen her. She also loved to se you bond with Peter, you hadn't known her other brother Pietro, but now you, Peter and her were all an odd little family.


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