CHRIS HEMSWORTH • Change rooms

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At the point I am editing this... we're at a little less than 750,00 reads. That is INSANE BRO
Also... all anecdotes mentioned in this story ARE in fact true about kids in our grade at school 🤦🏽‍♀️

"Have I ever told you about the events that would unfold in the change rooms when we did swimming at school?" You asked, laughing at the sudden memories. You were flicking through the school year book from when you were in grade 9, little anecdotes and phrases coming back to you in a wave of nostalgia. Chris, your boyfriend, was close on your side, asking you who everyone was.

"No- I don't think you have..?" Chris replied cautiously, "do I want too–"

"Oh my god YES you definitely do!" You cooed, turning back to the pages where they showed each class group. You went onto the 9A page, pointing to a boy in the front row. "His name is Chase. He once put water into a powerpoint and flicked it on. He exited the change rooms complaining about a sore hand." You shook your head dismissively, "absolute knobber. Okay, so I don't exactly know who did it but–" you flicked to 9C and pointed to a boy with shaggy hair, "-hE recorded about 4 boys showering naked in one of the cubicles. Like he literally held his phone over the top and recorded."

Chris's eyes widened as a laugh left his lips, "surely not!"

"No word of a lie. There is also other things of boys comparing penis sizes and pissing on the wall." You went to the 9B page, letting Chris look at it. "In there, there is Cassie and I. We also have our own change room stories"

Chris let out an audible 'awh' as he pointed a girl on the far left of the front row. "It's youuuu!" He said, "you look so cute! And o-oh my god! Look at Cassie! Her hair is like a third of that now!" In the middle row was your best friend, Cassie. Her chestnut hair fell around her shoulderblades, straightened perfectly and immaculately. Her hair was always like that for picture day. Now, it is in a cute pixie cut, making her look even more stunning.

"So I- long story short- got a bit of my boob caught in my zipper when I was zipping up my once piece in a rush. Hurt like a Bitch."

Chris began to laugh hysterically, making you lower your head with a sad smile. "Damn, don't be so uptight about it. Geez man, you're not even laughing." You said sarcastically, pushing his shoulder.

"I'm sorry babe, but it's just freaking hilarious. Is that why you have that scar on your boob there?" He pointed in the vicinity of where it happened, making you purse your lips and nod. He laughed again. You chuckled too, rolling your eyes.

"Well Cassie earned the title of SinkPisser for a few weeks!" You tried to defend yourself by segwaying into the next story. Chris looked concerned, making you laugh.

"She didn't actually do it... she just threatened to because me and two other girls were taking too long in the toilets! But it was still hilarious at the time."
Chris got out his phone then, bringing up his Snapchat. "What are you doing?" You asked, peering over his shoulder.

"Saying 'hi sinkpisser' to Cassie."

You laughed again, sitting back on the couch. "Tell me when she replies."

Chris nodded, only having to wait one or two minutes. "She replied! She told me to say hi to Sherbie Sheryl... who's th—"

"Oh my god nO." You took his phone, face reddening at the memories that came back with that name, "that's a story for another time."


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