STEVE ROGERS || Mourning Peggy {2}

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"Y/N?" A voice woke you, their hand gently resting on your shoulder. You opened your eyes slowly, taking in your surroundings as you sat yourself up. You were in the lounge room.

Memories from the night before burned their way into the back of your eyelids, replaying in your mind. "Oh my god." You groaned, pulling your hands over your face, "Steve."

"What about him?" The person said. Then, you took the time to realise that it was Bucky. His face was soft and confused, eyebrows furrowed, "is he oka–"

"Well lets just say I learnt something last night that no girlfriend wound want to learn!" You interrupted, pursing your lips in exasperation, "I pushed him to talk about his feelings about Peggy, and I learnt that he loves her more than life itself."

"That's ridiculous... you're the one he loves 'more than life itself'" Bucky scoffed, making quotation marks around the last few words. You shook your head.

"Say that to the words he said to me last night. After Peggy's death, he said he learnt that he can't ever love someone anywhere as much as he loved her. Not me. HER." You bit your lip, disguising your sadness in a tired expression. Bucky let out a long breath.

"Maybe it was just a misunderstanding..."

"I thought that too, so I clarified... her and me, I said. He just looked at me and I knew the answer immediately. I couldn't stand sleeping next to him while knowing that."

Bucky didn't reply at first. He simply lifted up the blanket, following that with your legs. He sat down on the couch, resting your legs horizontally across his. The blanket fell back over the both of you, and he sighed hastily.

"He... he does love you." He said eventually, meeting your glassy eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, but he continued before you could begin, "I know what you're going to say. I know what it seems like. But he does really love you more than life itself. Care to listen to me ramble for a while?"

You nodded.

"He shares a different love between the two of you. He always loved Peggy because she was always slightly out of his grasp. He loved the prospect of trying to win her over, and dwelled after he woke up when he realised that he was never going to get her.
"He loves you actively. See, I didn't say loved, because it isn't past tense. It is continuous and still happening. You are his girlfriend; he loves everything about you, and loves that he can call you his. He loves all the quirks about you. He loves when your eyes twinkle when you talk about something you love. He loves the little snores you do when you fall asleep in the weirdest places. He loves it all"
He paused for a moment, "Do you want to know how I know all of this?"

Most of what Bucky just said seemed to fly over your head... all besides the first and last few sentences. "Why?" You forced out, simply wanting him to speak further.

"Because it's all the things I love about you too."

"Buck..." you whispered, "I–"

"I know. I just wanted to tell you how much he- we- love you. Now go talk to him. Let him know how you feel."


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