WANDA MAXIMOFF || Milkshakes

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"Buck?" You said hesitantly, walking back into the kitchen. He turned around slightly from the open fridge, a plum in one of his hands. He had a jug milk in the other, swiftly putting it back before closing the door and giving his full attention to you.

"What's up?" He asked, taking a bite of his plum. You looked to the empty spot on the bench top, before going back to him.

"Where is it?" You question, gesturing to where your beloved glass just was.

"Where is what?" Bucky was confused.

"My milkshake, you bastard!" You exclaimed, sticking your arms out to the empty spot. Bucky looked confused for a brief moment, before realisation struck him. His eyes lit up for a moment, and then a small twinkle of confusion.

"Wanda took it."
"Excuse me?"

"Your girlfriend," he repeated, "She came in and asked who made it. I said you and she took it and left. I assumed you made it for her."
You groaned, turning around to leave the kitchen.

"Oh. Where are you going?"

"To get my milkshake back."

You swung the door to Wanda's room open with a surprisingly large amount of force, scrambling inside. She was sitting with her back facing the door, in her desk chair, completely unfazed by the big noise you had just made. As you began to speak, she slowly swiveled around in her chair. The chocolate milkshake you had made minutes before was in her hands. Your jaw dropped.

"You DID take it!" You gasped, holding a hand to your chest. "I leave to go to the toilet for less than two minutes and you take my milkshake?"
Wanda shrugged smirking. She took a drink from it, keeping eye contact. "You're lucky your my girlfriend or I would have beaten your ass faster than Nat can to anyone."

She giggled at your slight anger, holding out the glass. "Here, take a drink." She smiled. You reached your hand out to grab it, but she retracted it before you could make contact. She took another long sip. She was teasing you. After finishing her sip, she placed the glass back down into the desk. She gave you a toothy grin, and a wink. You sighed, chuckling in defeat. You began to walk towards her, a small smile coming on to your face as well.

"Ooh honey. You're going to regret that."


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