PIETRO MAXIMOFF || Water fight

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A soft breeze came over you as you continued to read the book in your hands. You ignored the breeze at first; your window was wide open so it was only fair to assume that it was letting some soft wind inside your bedroom. But when a shadow casted upon the pages of your novel, you were forced to look up.

"Y/N! Nice of you to look away from that goddamn book for more than a second!" Pietro smiled proudly.

You tried to hide your smile, but it shone through your closed lips. You sat up from your stomach, closing the book as you did so. Pietro furrowed his eyebrows, point subtly to the closed book. "Aren't you going to... you know... mark the page??" He asked confusedly.

You shrugged, "I can remember."
"I learn new things about you everyday," he sighed hesitantly, shaking his head, "anyways. Since you aren't reading anymore... how do you feel about coming outside and having a water fight with us?"
You stared at him blankly.

"Come on, Y/N! It'll be fun. Pleaseeeee. I'll protect you, I promise." He winked, clasping is hands together like a schoolgirl. You rolled your eyes, smiling at his stupidity. He was honestly like a small child begging his mother for some crackers before he went and played in the sandpit.

"Fine." You eventually said, getting up off the bed. Pietro cheered. Literally cheered. He jumped up and down, letting out a small screech.

"Get some bathers on and come join us around back!" He cooed, suddenly speeding out of the room. Your hair wooshed in the breeze he created, reminding you that you needed to put it up. You did that whilst walking over to your cupboard.


You made your way through the Avengers facility with your towel wrapped loosely around
Your shoulders. You went out the large doors to see a hell of a sight.

Peter was on the grass, spluttering and smacking his chest. Tony was hovering a few feet above him, looking down anxiously at the teenager. "I swear to god I didn't think it was going to shoot it out that hard!" He said worriedly.

"It's... it's okay Mr Stark. It's fine. Um. Do- do I still have eyebrows?"

You took a few steps back into the doorway, unsure of what exactly was happening.

"Stark! I thought we agreed no powers!" Pietro called, walking towards the pair. He saw you in the doorway then, flashing you a large smile. "Y/N! Come join us!"

Tony ignored Pietro's mention of you. "This isn't a power!" He corrected, slightly offended, "it is a suit that just so happens to shoot water in unexpectedly powerful blasts."

Peter ran a hand through his hair, shocked. "That was wATER??" He said in disbelief, "it felt like a thousand tiny rocks!"

"Okay, so if you're using your suit, then we are ditching the no powers rule!" Wanda yelled from across the yard.

"Agreed." Pietro stated, turning to you. He gave you one last wink before zooming away. You took in a deep breath, dropping your towel before running into the crossfire in an attempt to find a water pistol.


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