DAY EIGHTEEN: Corbyn Imagine: Xmas Family Get Together

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NAME: Haley

We have both our families coming today and it's nerve wrecking. I have the place cleaned. I just have to get dressed. 

I curl my hair and put on festive inspired make up

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I curl my hair and put on festive inspired make up. I go down and see Corbyn is dressed in a red dress shirt and skinny jeans. His hair is normal. I smile. "You ready for this?" asked Haley. "Kinda" said Corbyn. "All of our families" said Haley. I smile at him and he chuckles. We cook the food and in comes Mr and Mrs Besson, Ashley has arrived along with my parents, Karyn and Paul and my sister, Hanna. I smile at them. "Come in, we have some food ready for like appetisers!" said Corbyn. I laugh. "I never thought I'd hear you say that!" said Haley. "I have to help, ya know!" said Corbyn. I smile at him. We have some cheese and shit. After all that we sit around and chat and eventually have our dinner. It was amazing, me and Corbyn both did it so everyone was enjoying it. 

We go to the sitting room to play some family friendly games. Corbyn is the most funniest one, he always does stuff that isn't like the way the card says. They left at midnight and me and Corbyn spend an hour cleaning and then we go to bed.

Today was amazing.

I hope you all enjoyed?

A week to xmas:)

I really have gotten into Lennon Stella! Who else loves her? La Di  Da !!

Lorna wxdxw

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