6~ Like a Dead Skunk

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[Your POV]
My nerves quavered as I ambled through the surprisingly large store, trying to keep my head down and avoid any demon I might have come across.

"Some babysitter you are," I muttered under my breath bitterly as I sort of hoped to spy a blue head somewhere in the store despite knowing full well the trio had dashed out of the store entirely.

On closer inspection, much of the bags of food and containers were written in a language I had never seen before. Many of the foods resembled closely to foods I'd seen on earth.

But there was always one thing different about it somehow.

And to add to my surprise, most of the packages and bags had large printed letters in English that read: "GUARANTEED: 100% VEGETARIAN."

What was up with demons and being vegetarian for crying out loud?

Questions raced through my mind and several times I had to pause and close my eyes to let a dizzy wave hit me before receding.

All the art, movies, and books of demons portrayed these benevolent creatures to be malicious, ruthless, and bloodthirsty flashed through my head.

So how the heck was it possible to come across real life demons and find them nothing but practically immature, adolescents with crazy hair colors who clumsily destroyed their own homes and broke their own toilets?!

Not to mention they were all out-of-the-world smokin' hot ready to be served barbecue patty daddy hunka-hunkas.
[A/N: do NOT read that aloud]

I rounded a corner of the convenient store and instantly began to find myself in a whole new section filled with books and magazines rather than food and snacks.

Some of them included: "How to Make Peanut butter-jelly on Jalapeno Cheese" and "Do Humans Really Exist?"

"Demons are mental," I couldn't help but mutter under my breath as the cover of the "Do Humans Really Exist" had a very poorly drawn Ryan Gosling on it. The artist seemed to have decided to pull off a Picasso by drawing poor Gosling's ear where the chin should be.

I continued down the magazines and was about to drift away when unfamiliar voices abruptly filled the store as what sounded like a couple strangers entering.

Cold sweat immediately broke out in me and I immediately began to scan for any possible escape routes.

"Did you see those three Bangtan boys running like lunatics down the street?" a sour voice growled. "How the heck do folks even think they're cut out to be the next leaders of the 8th Region?"

"Right?" another voice, a more nasal voice agreed. "We're practically signing a death sentence. Then again, those three were the three youngest of the group I believe."

"So? Even if they were the youngest we've seen the hyungs, they're equally as crazy as the younger ones."

The voices were drawing closer and I desperately darted to a different aisle in hopes to create more distance from these Mr. Sour and Mr. Nasal gossiping.

"The eldest hyung for crying out loud is more vain than the witch of that one fairytale of White Snow and the Seven Midgets."

"Point being, Bangtan is not cut out to be the Superiors of the 8th Region much less any Region of Itzborough for that matter."

"But you have to admit," Mr. Nasal slowly began, "they have extremely strong power potentials, not to mention one of the strongest Familiars any demons have ever really had. They were all spawned during the Mad King's War, which might explains their immense power."

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