36~Cast Thy Vote

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"I had to climb over thirty flights of stairs just for an empty room, I deserve an award for fitness." Yoongi snapped.

Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin and I were sitting in the living room. The exploration had only taken about two hours before the trio had returned with nothing suspicious and only a large, empty room at the top.

"There's no sign on any magic or spells in the room either," Namjoon confirmed. "I ran a quick scan."

"How's things going here?" Yoongi settled me with a look. "Jin hyung did tell you about the intruder last morning?"

I nodded and exchanged looks with Jimin who was draped on the couch next to me, head inches from resting on my lap.

"I wonder, and I'm not making any suggestions here," Hoseok cleared his throat. "But if the intruder really did come in to maybe harm Y/N, why didn't he do it?"

"Because she was sleeping with Jimin and the intruder probably didn't want to risk-" Jin began.

"Y/N WHAT with Jimin?" Yoongi yelled, eyes wide and flashing dangerously violet.

"Curdling mushrooms," Jimin hissed under his breath

"Yoongi please calm down," I yelped. "I-it's not what it sounds like I promise. We just... slept together..."

Crap, that didn't come out right.

"Oh I understand clearly what went down," Yoongi hissed. "Like to tell me how down you two—"

Hoseok lunged forward and clapped a hand over Yoongi's mouth.

"Okay, we're getting sidetracked, unsurprisingly, but work with me here guys," Namjoon clapped his hands together loudly. "We have to decide in the end whether or not to actually try and pursue this entire idea."

"It's obvious isn't it?" Taehyung propped his head on his hand. "It just depends."

"Depends on what exactly?" Namjoon glanced at the green-haired demon.

"On how much Sakura hates Namjoon hyung," Taehyung answered bluntly.

"Sakura does not hate me!" Namjoon immediately defended himself.

All he got in reply was a lot of clearing of throats and avoidance of eyes.

"Okay, so I'm not her favorite person in the land, yeah, but she doesn't hate me enough to send us all to our dooms," Namjoon pouted a tiny bit at the lack of response from everyone.

"I mean, she told Y/N to go there," Jungkook pointed out. "Maybe she just wants to kill Y/N and never anticipated us to tag along."

"But then the next question would be why would she want to kill Y/N?" Hoseok piped up, slowly releasing Yoongi's mouth in the process.

Yoongi took the opportunity to cast a sour glare over his shoulder to Hoseok. "Gee, I wonder Hobi. Y/N— a human— amongst the demons in Itzborough. What possible reasons could Sakura might want to kill Y/N huh?"

Hoseok scowled at Yoongi and clapped his hand back over Yoongi's mouth. "Your sarcasm is not needed at the moment," he said sternly.

"It is suspicious that Sakura knew about Y/N," Jimin finally spoke, slowly. "Because really the only way she would've known is if she heard or even was involved with the initial attack to nab Y/N. But she didn't show any signs of aggression or violence."

"Jimin's right," I confirmed.

"Of course I'm right," Jimin mumbled under his breath.

"She literally came, sort of blabbed on about a bunch of stuff, dumped clothes on me, and left," I pressed on, ignoring his remark.

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