38~Fault in Our (Non-Existent) Stars

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"This is all your fault!"

I flinched as Taehyung suddenly leapt up, eyes blazing in practically blinding (pun intended) emerald inferno of fury.

"Taehyung stand down," Namjoon edged closer, muscles taut and ready to fling himself into action at second's notice.

The other members seemed to barely comprehend what exactly was going on.

It's slowly killing him and I have no idea how to stop it. The words were ringing in everyone's minds still and eating at everyone in different ways. It was eating at Taehyung in the form of anger.

"If you hadn't come to Itzborough in the first place none of this would have happened!"

"Yeah, and who was the one who summoned me in the first place?" I fired back. Feeding fire with fire, never a good thing considering my very obvious disadvantage to a very pissed off powerful green demon. "Do you think I planned all this? Do you think I wanted any of this to happen?"

"Jungkookie might die because of you," Taehyung continued to rage. "It's all because you're weak, needy, and helpless! And other demons know that but no, you're not the one who gets hurt. It's one of us who's been protecting your ass this entire time."

Hurt flashed through me. Taehyung was painfully right: I was weak and helpless and yeah, I'd been pretty needy since I'd come to Itzborough. And now, instead of me getting what I deserve, other, innocent ones, were the ones getting hurt.

Now Jimin was slowly swimming back to full conscious of what was occurring. "Don't turn this on her," my demon babysitter slowly stood up, eyes flashing to match Taehyung's now. "This isn't you talking Taehyung. You and I know fully well she'd never try and hurt any of us on purpose."

"It's not fair," Taehyung took a menacing step forward towards Jimin and I. "Jungkook didn't do anything wrong! Why him? Why him??"

"Life's not fair. Ever since I'd come here I wanted nothing more to get back to Earth. I never meant to stay this long or ever bring harm on any of you. Taehyung, you got to understand that."

"Shut up," tears were now trickling down his cheeks.

Yoongi was now standing up, unlacing the arms that had been tightly wrapped around Hoseok's shoulders slowly as he joined this standoff.

"You're not the only one suffering, kid," he rumbled to Taehyung. "We all loathe the thought of the very possibility of losing one of our own, specifically Jungkook. But you don't see any of us trying to take it out on Y/N."

"But he's right," Jin looked up from the armchair he'd been sitting in silently with the new, intimidating cold demeanor carved on his face. "You can't deny the fact that we've been under attack by others and under lots of pressure since Y/N came and joined us."

"Well what did you expect from housing a human with us?" Yoongi threw his hands in the air.

"We shouldn't have let her be with us from the get-go," Taehyung spat. "It was such a stupid idea."

"Oh yeah," Hoseok was now getting to his feet. "Then what else were we supposed to do? Pray tell Taehyung."

"In fact, if I recall, Jin hyung, Taehyung, and Jungkook were the very ones who summoned the human in the first place," Jimin jabbed a finger towards Jin and Taehyung. "I call this karma being an absolute –"

"Oh so now it's our fault for Jungkook lying on his deathbed?" Jin raised himself to his full height.

And heavenly choirs, I'd never noticed but when the wide-shouldered man was standing at his full height with no sassy posture or slack whatsoever he was probably the second tallest of the members, standing even taller than Taehyung.

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