41~ A Drugged Genius

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"Can't we just make a portal and let Jungkook go through it?" Jimin frowned.

"No, the moment he's back in Itzborough, the poison will instantly be back on the move," Sakura shook her head. "He needs to get out. Permanently."

"You're telling us he needs to give up his home, to go into an unknown place of humans?" Jin demanded.

"Or he'll die," Sakura fired back. "I'm not the one who's going to make the choice. There's pros and cons on both sides. But I personally think the con of his death outweighs everything else if he stayed in Itzborough with all of you."

"How is that even going to be possible?" Hoseok gripped his hair a little. "How is it possible to send a demon into Earth permanently? Our blood will always call for Itzborough lest we deteriorate."

Sakura sucked her lower lip between her teeth a little. "A Shadowseer must turn the demon into a plain human through a very powerful spell that they only can bestow," she informed all of us. "So thus, Jungkook would become a regular human, sent to Earth, and all magic in his veins will dissolve: saving his life."

"How do you even know this?" Yoongi now stormed forward so he was standing right next to Namjoon by the open window. "In fact, how did you even know about anything regarding us keeping a human here? Are you spying on us? Stalking?"

"I have very close ties with Shadowseers and that deep, magical aspect of the demon world," Sakura breezed over lightly. "That is the address I gave you. It's a lair where dimensions overlap every so often. And if you all come at exactly the right midnight, you will meet the Shadowseer who will send both the human as well as Jungkook into Earth's dimension."

"You think we can just send our youngest member into Earth, helpless and by himself?" Jin narrowed his eyes.

"He'll have Y/N to guide him and help him get on his feet on Earth," Sakura waved her hand. "And you guys can visit him on Earth through portals."

"No way," Yoongi promptly snapped.

"Fine! Let him die then!" Sakura threw her hands in the air. "Because that's the only alternative answer!"

"I-I'll do it," a weak, almost inaudible voice, rasped behind everyone.

"Jungkook!" Hoseok whirled around.

Sakura snapped upright as everyone faced to the back of the room where a figure was leaning heavily on the sofa.

Relief poured into me only to be followed by a twang of pain at the sight. Jungkook's hair was spiked everywhere, mussed. His face had no sign of the usual healthy pinkish glow in his cheeks and his skin was a slightly ashen color.

"What did you say?" Jimin asked, standing up.

"I said I'll do it," Jungkook wearily hung his head for a second, trying to take deep breaths.

In seconds, Hoseok was by his side, help supporting him steadily. "Jungkook, you don't have to make any hasty decisions," Hoseok soothed.

Jungkook shook his head, the simple action enough to make him almost lose his balance. "The night of the party is only tomorrow," his voice breathless. "And...I'd rather live in a whole new world and still manage to see you all every so often than to just to... fade out."

"Smart move," Sakura's reply was answered with Yoongi's, Jin's, and Jimin's dark glares. "There's one... catch though."

It was like a ping-pong game. Everyone's heads turned between Jungkook and Sakura. Now they all turned to Sakura.

"One of the effects of the spell is it erases all memories but one memory of whoever becomes," Sakura stated quietly.

I flinched a little. Only one memory... out of all the memories in Jungkook's 2000+ years. Suddenly, it seemed like sending him back to earth didn't seem so great. What was the point of sending him across only for him not to recognize any of his other members whom he'd basically grown up with?

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