10~You Woke the Baby

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"How long do demons live?"

Jimin and I had left the museum after Jimin had hastily swept the broken glass under a rug and were walking back to the house like it was nothing.

"We live for centuries, slowly aging over time," Jimin replied. "It takes a lot to kill a demon, so the oldest demon at the moment is about, let's see, maybe close to a million years old?"

"Impossible," I mumbled. "How the heck is that even possible?"

"The dude is basically wheelchair or bed restricted," Jimin brushed off my words.

"How old are you?" I asked cautiously.

"2300 years old," Jimin replied, readjusting his sunglasses on his nose. "Still in my blossoming age of youth. How old are you?"

"Didn't you learn it's rude to ask a woman her age," I grumbled under my breath.

Unfortunately, I forgot how well demon hearing was.

"Woman?" Jimin wrinkled his nose a little. "You probably barely qualify as a young lady. You're just a girl."

Something about the way he said 'girl' made me bristle.

"Actually, I am going into sophomore year of college and had a career as an artist planned out. I was planning to transfer colleges to pursue my passion in life-"

"Boring," Jimin yawned. "Please, save me your breath. I am over 2000 years older than you. Shouldn't you respect your elders?"

"If you were on earth you'd be long dead in the grave," I retorted. "I don't answer to the dead."

Jimin looked like he was about to sass back when a jaw splitting yawn interrupted him. "Okay, we're going to sneak back into the house and I'm going to bed. I think I answered enough questions for you."

"What time is it?" I glanced up at the sun which looked to be almost in the middle of the sky as like noon.

"Time for you to get a watch," Jimin replied, yawning again.

"I don't have a watch genius," I snapped. Besides, why the heck did demons even know about that stupid, annoying saying?

Jimin muttered incoherent words under his breath as he dug around in his jeans pocket to pull out his phone and hold it out to me.

12:32 PM.

"Midday, good grief I should be snuggled in bed in deep sleep right now," Jimin moaned in sorrow over his loss of sleep.

The house appeared as we crested a small hill. I was beginning tor recognize it just by the exterior. Or maybe it was also the fact that one of the windows on the West wing was shattered and a very thin wisp of smoke was still trailing out of it.

"We're going to sneak in quietly, got it, Human?" Jimin warned me as we drew closer.

"I have a name," I grumbled.

Of course, my blue-haired demon ignored me.

When we approached the door Jimin held a finger to his mouth to remind me to keep quiet as he cautiously cracked open the door.

Inside, the house was fairly dim and it took a moment for my eyes to readjust as Jimin took off his sunglasses and shoved them into his pocket as he quietly closed the door behind us.


An inhumane shriek escaped both Jimin and I at the roar of fury and victory; we immediately hugged each other in terror .

No other than deadly silver-hair Jin marched into the dim light followed more slowly by Namjoon.

"Did I not tell you Namjoon? Huh? I freaking raised these maknaes. I probably could've spawned these idiots myself if it were possible. I know in my gut like I know my own face when one of those bastards try something stupid," Jin continued to rage.

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