37~Dark Hour

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That cry was definitely Taehyung's as the second-to-youngest member recovered fastest out of everyone else. He'd been the farthest away from the initial blast.

The green-haired demon scrambled to his feet, tipping slightly this way and that as if a drunkard. He still managed to make it to the lifeless body a few feet away and flung his arms around it within seconds.

Next Namjoon and Jin recovered despite them being the next closest beings to the blast. Maybe it had something to do with them being white and silver colored and their stamina against offensive magic.

Jin didn't waste a second to lunge towards where Taehyung was ceaselessly calling Jungkook's name over and over in an awful, broken voice. Namjoon on the other hand reeled the opposite way and slammed the front door shut.

A second later spiderlike tendrils of gleaming white lines spiraled from his palm pressed against the door and spread across the door in a web-like design. It didn't take a genius to assume it was some protective shield or spell alike he cast.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin were the last ones to recover and all seemed to be on their feet at the same time. Soon all six members were crowded around their fallen member, all of them attempting to speak over one another in their terror.

Namjoon's body had been like a shield from the blast and my own body so I'd just gotten a headache and a little body ache. Both pains seemingly nothing compared to the guilt shredding through me as I watched the members shove each other, all trying to reach their youngest. I didn't even bother to try and pick myself off the ground. I could just watch the scene unfold before me like a horror story.

Except this horror story wasn't some stupid ghost or haunted plot. This was a real horror story: the chance that someone you loved with all your heart could be gone just like that without hope or warning.

Finally, order seemed to be falling over the demons after a few minutes. Hoseok was now directly beside Jungkook, taking pulse and pressing his hands across the youngest's forehead.

I couldn't see Jungkook's face, but the way both Yoongi and Jimin had to combine strength to peel and withhold Taehyung from throwing his arms around his best friend's body again told me Jungkook probably looked just as lifeless as his body.

Namjoon was talking to Jin in fierce, hushed whisper. I'd never seen Jin look so serious before. It seemed to rival the expression of a pissed-off Yoongi and angry-Jimin combined. The usual god-like features were smoothed into a chillingly glass-like mask of cold beauty, silver irises darkened to practically black.

Hoseok finally looked up, mouth pressed in a thin line. Without hesitating his hand flashed out, slapping Taehyung across the face. Not hard enough to be an actual violent move, but enough to snap the emerald-haired demon out of his hysteria.

"Yoongi hyung, Jimin, you help me carry Jungkook carefully to the medical room," Hoseok's tone was like flint and held no room for argument. "Taehyung, I need you with me alright? Go up to my room and you know the box of my stronger medicines? Get it."

With everyone now on the move and in order I finally managed to pick myself up. I couldn't seem to tear my eyes off Jungkook as Yoongi and Jimin used each other's arms with the help of Hoseok to lift the maknae off the ground. Taehyung was up and gone in a flash up the stairs.

The softest of groans escaped the lips of Jungkook and a tiny spark of relief and hope lit in my heart. He wasn't dead. Up to this point I was very close into thinking he truly was dead.

"Y/N, get away from the door," Namjoon's voice broke my eyes away from the small parade inching down the hall towards the medicine room.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I'm so so sorry."

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