23~ Shadowseers and Mushrooms

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For the first time upon my arrival in Itzborough, almost a week went by without any quarreling, pranks, craziness, or shenanigans of sorts amongst Bangtan.

The hyungs had all called off a temporary break from work and were at the house all the time cleaning up and repairing, which meant that Jimin was back in school along with Taehyung and Jungkook for the time being.

Part of me was a little disappointed, but the other part of me was frustrated because Jimin and I had yet to even mention about the brief kiss. In fact, the most frustrating thing of it all was it seemed as if the blue-hair demon was avoiding me.

He was almost always gone when I woke up in the evenings despite Jungkook and Taehyung getting up around the same time as me. And in the morning he came back much later than Taehyung and Jungkook and seemed to escape in his room conveniently.

It was as if the kiss was some sort of figment of my imagination.

By the fourth night of practically no contact or communication from Jimin I was literally beginning to daydream of storming into his bedroom and fisting the front of his shirt like in the movies.

Maybe give one or two shakes for a good measure until he finally explained his actions.

Was the kiss just a hoax in a way just so he could become a Familiar by tasting blood? Or was there... maybe, just maybe, some sort of genuine feeling involved?

Just thinking that perhaps some part of the kiss might have been real in some way was enough to make everything in me flip upside down. And the unanswered question just fueled the mess of emotions in me.

For the most part of the nights I mainly just read different books Namjoon got from the library in hopes to answer or get a tip on how to send me back.

All I learned was that some demons had no clue what a 'human' even looked like.

Honestly, I was beginning to wonder if demon artists in books were all somehow inspired by Picasso.

Four nights of just sitting in the living room, reading books, getting fat on Jin's cooking, questioning my very existence on whether I actually might have somehow developed feelings for a freaking demon, and finding not a single answer or hint as to a way back home.

So naturally, I was both equally pissed as well as shocked when Jungkook came home from school one night, literally picked up one of the library books and began shouting upon flipping to one random page.

"I found it hyungs! I found it!" He began shouting.

"WHAT?" Jin's startled screech was followed by a loud crash from the kitchen.

I gaped up at Jungkook from the floor of the living room I had been sitting in all afternoon.

Loud footsteps signaled entrance of Hoseok and Namjoon soon followed by Taehyung half dragging a sleepy Yoongi into the room.

Of course no sign of Jimin as he hadn't even returned home yet.

"What are you kids all yapping so loudly on?" Yoongi groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Hyung look!" Jungkook shook the book in the air.

"Which hyung?" Jin now appeared, a cloud of flour dusting his shirt and face. His huge eyes made his entire appearance twice as funny.

"Doesn't matter," Jungkook paused to quickly read the passage. "But I think I found the key."

I now stood up and peeked at the page Jungkook had opened. It was one of the books I had yet to read.

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