19~ Attack on Bangtan

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[A/N:] Viewer discretion: Some depictions of violence ahead.

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I screamed as shards of glass flew everywhere, an ear piercing shattering resounding through the entire house.

I vaguely heard a scream of 'get down' just as someone grabbed me from behind and began to pull on me with incredible force.

Through the haze of chaos I could just see the group of huddled figures on the ground of the Bangtan Boys shielding themselves from the rain of glass.

Was I still screaming?

I couldn't quite tell as I writhed in the iron-like grip I was in. Memory flashback to the red demon who had spied me from earlier yesterday shot through my mind, sending more bolts of terror through me.

I managed to twist enough to catch a glimpse at my captor and my stomach dropped harder than when I'd zoomed down Six Flags' roller coasters.

A gruesome skeletal mask covered the demon's face and for the first time all the movies of the grotesque demons and spirits possessing humans and tearing them to shreds filled my mind.

My throat felt raw and I was now about 98.99% sure I was screaming this entire time. My body immediately went into survival, knee jerk reaction mode. Literally.

My knee slammed up, connecting unfortunately not in the demon's actual crotch but rather the inner thigh.

It was enough for the demon to double over a little and next my newly freed arm came swinging around with startling amount of strength and slammed into the side of the demon's face.

Pain exploded down my arm as blood immediately poured from my knuckles, which I'd just busted from punching the captor, and splattered on my cheek. He staggered back, still swiping at me when a mini explosion of bright blue sent both the captor and I to the ground.

Hands grabbed at my arms and began to yank me away from the demon who'd tried to nab me. I began to fight all over again until I caught sight of the blue hair at the corner of my eye.

Jimin in one strong pull, yanked me to my feet and immediately shoved me behind him as the masked demon slowly got to his feet.

My hands tightened around the back of Jimin's shirt as I watched from over his shoulders the demon reaching up and begin tugging off the mask. Cold sweat poured down my back, blood roared in my ears. My stomach twisted as the young features were revealed below of a bright indigo-haired demon.

What was worse was the way the indigo demon wiped some of the blood on the side of his face from my punch... and actually licked it off his fingers like some freaking syrup.

"Get back, Y/N!" Jimin began yelling.

But I could barely hear him in horrific fascination as the demon before us began to writhe and twist, an indigo glow beginning to swallow up his entire being.

"Hyung! HYUNG!" Now Jimin was screaming, just as a thunderous roar ruptured my eardrums.

Because in the place of the indigo demon... was an indigo bear. Except this indigo bear was larger than any bear that could ever exist on earth with jagged horns sprouting from its forehead monstrously.

"Run Y/N!" Jimin grabbed my wrist and wrenched me into a sprint. "HYUNG, we got a situation!"

Out of the fog of glass and my terror, a wild little Yoongi still in his lion onesie appeared, both hands glowing brilliantly violet.

I glanced over my shoulder in time to see the indigo bear leap at Yoongi, its massive paw larger than half of the Bangtan hyung's body, only to be suddenly blown to the side as a one of Yoongi's glowing violet hands exploded in a blinding shower of sparks.

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