25~Heinous Crimes

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[Your POV]

I couldn't remember the last time I had been active and awake when the sun was up. The light of the sun seemed almost ridiculously bright at times as I ambled aimlessly down the outskirts of the city.

I probably shouldn't be walking so close to the city when it had just become morning and probably some demons were still up and moving around in the house.

At the moment though, I could only feel fury as well as humiliation coursing through my veins.

Had I really blurted out the whole 'kiss' to Jimin like that? Not to mention in front of all the other members. In a sense, Jimin was right. If the kiss was the only reason for my anger then I was being very petty.

But no, I wasn't mad at him just for the kiss. I was mad because I hated how he had been avoiding me and barely said a word since the sharing of the Bangtan Boys' pasts.

"You're getting up all in my case for no reason other than maybe because of some stupid kiss your girly little heart was hoping might've actually meant something."

The sky was transforming into a sweet light blue dome. One thing I noticed about Itzborough was it had no clouds, nor stars. The term 'cloudless sky' applied heavily in this dimension and at night not a star could be seen.

Homesickness washed over me, certainly not for the first time.

Forget if I may have to say goodbye to these demons. They had proven to me that other than magical powers, they were probably personality wise as human as one could get.

In fact, Jimin seemed exactly one of those douchebag f-boy players in the movies despite him mentioning no romantic relations in the past.

Another wave of hot fury filled my body and it almost felt like I was buzzing in fury. A small stinging sensation flared through my abdomen but I ignored it as I continued to march on aimlessly.

"You're such a girl and being a petty piece of crap with this anger and overreaction."

Jimin's taunting voice wouldn't leave my head.

"Shut up!" I yelled aloud, flinging my arm out angrily.

It connected with the building next to me I was passing. I half expected to feel pain flare up my arm. Instead, the fiery buzzing feeling in me seemed to streak down my arm. A blaze of violet flared before my own eyes, shattering the stone, letting my hand pass through harmlessly.

I froze.


I whirled around, eyes scouring my surroundings in expectation to perhaps see Yoongi or some purple-haired demon nearby who might have shattered the stone.

No one in sight.

"Impossible," I breathed as I glanced down at my tingling hands.

There was a demon nearby, there had to be. Probably Yoongi. Or maybe just a demon who was enjoying pulling pranks on me for some reason.

Any other alternative was impossible.

A muffled voice from within the building broke through my building wall of panic inside my head.

"Who in Hell's Pit is sabotaging my house?! Baekhyun! Lay! If that's you pathetic rascals again you're going to catch these fists!"

I swallowed hard, sweat breaking out in my whole body as I backed away from the building.

When what sounded like a door slamming open reached my ears I wheeled around and began to sprint away from the building.

No way, the words bounced around my head. No way, no absolute freaking way.

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