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I hated horror movies.

Always had.

But not tonight.

I munched on my popcorn, watching unimpressed as the dumb young lady on the TV screen cautiously made her way down the stairwell of the dark basement with only a small flashlight.

Idiot, I couldn't help but think internally.

Abruptly the screen flickered and a monstrous demon appeared, fangs bared and letting loose a terrible computer generated roar as it lunged for the young lady in her nightgown. She let loose a staged scream.

Less than two feet away from me was a pile of blankets, a totally different set of screams that certainly was not staged, rose up as six young men clambered for each other in fear at the 'jumpscare.'

"Why did you choose this movie, Yoongi hyung?" Hoseok wailed, "I thought you loved me!"

"Y/N, pass me the popcorn please," Yoongi sighed.

I shoved another handful of the food in my mouth before passing it to him.

"Augh, demons are so terrifying," Jin whimpered, wrapping more of the blankets around his neck.

"I never want to meet one in my life," Taehyung agreed.

Yoongi and I exchanged bemused glances.

It had been 7 months since Itzborough, and as time passed on, my entire time at the other dimension was becoming more hazy as if some sort of dream. Part of me wondered if I myself was losing my own memories from there.

At first, it had been so disorienting coming back to Earth. The purple hair had instantly disappeared and I felt certain lightness in me I hadn't felt for ages. And then I'd looked up and found myself staring at seven groaning, disoriented men before me.

From then on, it was history.

Bangtan members had all dark hair and dark eyes upon Earth, which was a massive shock at first. No more jewel like eyes, or hair. In a few days, they were slowly interacting with each other again.

Nothing like before. But all of them had recalled the correct memory upon being sent back, even Jungkook. They knew each other's names and were slowly bonding with each other.

None of them had actually questioned their strange memory loss, and I had made up a story that all of them had been in an accident or something. Them all waking up in my living room had been the tricky part to try and lie myself out of.

It wasn't until only 2 months ago that Yoongi had approached me. It was true: he could recall a few other memories from the past. Not all of them, but memories out of context ranging from the Mad King's War itself, to turning Jimin into a marshmallow once, and even seeing Si-Hyuk the Shadowseer.

And memories were still coming back to him little by little.

Another scream ripped me from my thoughts as the women on the screen was now desperately trying to run from the monster.

"Turn left, turn left!" Jungkook began screeching at the screen. "NO! Not that way! It's a dead end!"

I chuckled a little. Jungkook had still been a little ill even when he'd first touched down on Earth, but now he was back to his usual bubbly self. It was weird though. These Bangtan members were similar in so many ways to the demons in Itzborough, but they were still different.

More naïve.

More innocent.

"Okay, that's it," Yoongi groaned when Hoseok let loose the loudest scream yet and erupted from the blankets on the ground, flinging himself onto Yoongi's lap in terror.

My Demon Babysitter ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin