15~ Omicron Galaxy Duck Hunting

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[Your POV]
I was back in the pantry hiding, actually trembling now.

A demon had seen me.

A freaking demon had seen me.

Jimin's oversized shirt I was wearing was disgustingly plastered on my back in some places from sweat. My forehead lightly rested on the closed door in front of me, eyes closed.

I was dead meat.


End of story.

I hadn't realized how much I'd taken for granted the hospitality shown by the Bangtan Boys despite all their flaws, especially my sarcastic, stupidly handsome, clumsy, mysterious, absolutely terrible-at-babysitting babysitter.

For the first time, the full reality that I was no longer on Earth, but rather a place where fantasy and magic was real began to sink in. Where anything could happen.

Where no matter how hard I fought back or how hard I could kick an assailant in the balls or hit them with a pillow, my life could be doused like a candle flame.

"Hey, did you hear a sound?"

My eyes snapped open.

"What are you talking about?"

"I think I heard a noise from the closest."

Oh no.

"It's probably nothing, man. You're just paranoid."

"No, I swear I heard something coming from the pantry door."

Oh crap.

"Really?" the sarcasm oozed from the voice now. "Must just be the chips doing the salsa."

"Oh you think you funny, huh?"

The voices were drawing closer.

"So show me."

"I'll show you-"

I couldn't stop the small yelp of surprise as the pantry door snapped open and I half expected the fiery-headed demon from earlier.

Instead I was face to face with an equally startled orange-haired Hoseok and a tall Namjoon behind him.

For a few moments neither of us said anything.

"Y/N?" Hoseok finally blurted out. "What in the Ninth Circle of Hell are you doing-?"

"Shut up," I sprang into action, desperately trying to clap a hand over Hoseok's excessively loud voice. "The Crimson Immortals are here."

At the name Namjoon instantly straightened just as loud footsteps resounded as someone came flying down the stairs.

"Satan's butt," Hoseok had just enough time to utter as he shoved me back into the pantry and slammed the door.

This whole thing with demons shoving me around was starting to get on my nerves despite my situation.

"What's going on down here?" The voice, Boong Boong, entered the room, the slightest suspicion flickering in his voice.

I winced as my shoulder throbbed from being half thrown against what I assumed was a shelf jutting out from the wall.

I always disliked hide and seek for this very reason of cramping myself into tiny spaces. I was especially hating pantries and closets more than ever.

"Hey Bong Bong," Hosoek's voice was high pitched.

"It's Boong Boong," Boong Boong groaned a little.

My Demon Babysitter ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora