39~ Deceiver

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A cold feeling shot through me at Jin's words.

"Hyung, what are you saying?" Jimin gaped. "Saving... Y/N?"

"I've been lying to all of you this entire time," he choked out.

The Deceiver...

"I thought it wouldn't be a big deal," he continued miserably. "I thought we could just save her and then come back. No harm done."

Hoseok slowly approached me. "I talked to Yoongi the other morning," he told me slowly. "About the moon scar. And Jin overheard us. Y/N, there's a reason why you specifically got summoned to Itzborough."

"Alright, can we backtrack like a mile?" Jimin burst out. "I'm so lost."

"Same." The haze of madness in Taehyung's eyes had dried up. Now confusion filled its place.

I myself was rendered speechless, mind going all over the place.

"I thought Yoongi hyung was the only one who went to Earth and back again," Jimin murmured.

"Jin hyung went there once," Hoseok replied.

"And so did you, Hoseok," Yoongi now piped up, looking directly at Hoseok.

My ability to feel shock was gone and I could only numbly stare at Hoseok who now had his own jaw popped open.

"What?" He sputtered. "No I've never gone to Earth before. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered."

"Okay, I'm agreeing with Jimin here," Namjoon ran a hand through his hair. "I need everyone to sit down and start from the very beginning. This is too confusing."

Everyone obeyed without hesitation. Silence fell across the room as no one seemed to want to speak first.

Namjoon glanced expectantly from one person to another, brows raised and gaze drilling holes into every person.

It was Yoongi now who began. "I met Y/N when I was on my trips to Earth," he met my gaze briefly. "I went by the name Gus. I only met her a few times though, when she was very young."

I looked closely to Yoongi, for the first time trying to take in every feature on his face. Yet no memory from when I was younger was triggered in the slightest.

Yoongi shook his head at me. "You don't remember me," he said bluntly. "You wouldn't."

"Then, you were the one who put the block in my head," I breathed.

Yoongi's brows furrowed for a split second. "How do you know about..."

"No, he's not the only one who put the block in your head," Jin took a deep breath, finally composing himself again. "Even the power of violet demons don't have that strong of a magic to put such a powerful memory block in one's mind without help."

"The bike accident, Y/N," Yoongi leaned forward. "I was there when that happened. I saw everything. I blame myself every day for it. During that one trip to Earth, I'd brought Hoseok with me to show him a little about Earth."

Hoseok frowned, still completely not believing Yoongi. He still couldn't remember anything himself.

"And... I wanted to stop by and visit you very briefly just to see how you were doing, Y/N," Yoongi swallowed hard. "Time between Earth and here is warped. So there was no telling how much you might have grown between my last visit."

"Yoongi hyung," Taehyung broke through Yoongi's story. "Were you Y/N's stalker?"

My cheeks burned slightly at the thought. It did rather seem Yoongi was a bit of a stalker and I had no clue how to feel. If Yoongi was creepy guy and perverted I'd definitely feel uncomfortable out of my skin. But after getting to know him and his blunt, sarcastic personality... never mind, I was still a bit uncomfortable.

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