22~ Mad King's War

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"I made tea for everyone," Jin announced softly as we all gathered in a circle in the middle of the room.

I had found out we were all in the basement of the house.

Everyone had retreated to the basement after the brief battle because the upper levels of the house had been absolutely destroyed and Bangtan was avoiding other demons and possible questions for now.

Namjoon was mainly avoiding the insurance lady.

Everyone passed out the small mugs of the steaming drink.

Granted it smelled amazing, but I politely set the mug given to me by Jungkook next to me on the ground. I didn't feel like drinking anything or doing anything in general at the moment.

"In the Mad King's War, there weren't exactly two distinct sides like many human wars," Jimin began softly. "It was basically every demon for himself. There were of course, those who thought it be good to try a hierarchy and rooted for the 'Mad King.' There were many others who opposed the idea. Others were just thrilled for some action and violence taking place while still others were just caught in the crossfire and trying to survive. The seven of us were all spawned in the middle of the mess and had to learn to fight and survive almost the moment we opened our eyes."

In history classes, I remembered learning about all sorts of war and battles. The French Revolution, the Civil War, World War I and II, the list went on. Learning about the horrors. But that was just in the classroom. Listening to a lecture by a history teacher.

These demons before me... they were there. They were born in the midst of blood and violence. If I really thought about it, these seven were technically veterans. A sense of awe as well as fascination filled me as I glanced at every one of their faces.

"Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok hyungs knew each other the longest out of any of us in the group," Jimin gestured to the trio. "Yoongi hyung is the second oldest of Bangtan if you didn't know, and he was living in the dumpsters during the majority of his youth in the war."

I glanced at the purple-haired demon.

"The dumpsters were dirty and dangerous place, but at least it was away from the actual battles of the Mad King's War," Yoongi explained briefly. "Namjoon hyung came across me and Hoseok in the dumpsters fending for ourselves. We formed a very uneasy alliance."

"We didn't trust Namjoon at first," Hoseok admitted. "He was a freaking white for starters. We knew he could backstab and easily kill us at any moment."

I glanced at Namjoon who exchanged glances with Hoseok. The two of them smiled a little as they obviously recalled their first meeting.

"It took five years and over a hundred moments of saving each others' butts before we finally began to truly trust each other," Yoongi added.

"We met Jin hyung next," Namjoon spoke up next, shifting his gaze to the silver-hair. "We actually found him in the midst of a battle against several Mad King soldiers."

Jin, usually fussy and light-hearted, had a deep expression written across his face. It made him look ten times older and wiser than usual and it made my heart twist a little at his next words.

"I had just lost my closest friend," Jin said softly, voice deep with emotion. "The Mad King soldiers had killed him. I had hid his body to protect the spawn and lead the soldiers away. But I was quickly trapped."

"If Jin hyung wasn't a silver, he would've easily been killed," Namjoon said quietly. "But it takes a lot to bring down a silver or white. We, Yoongi and Hoseok hyung and I, found him severely injured against the soldiers, but still fighting."

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