11~ Pet

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"Here," Jimin tossed me a pair of sweats and a hoodie. "Bathroom is two doors down the hall."

"Thanks," I replied awkwardly as I hugged the clothes to my chest.

"Take this too," Jimin grabbed a towel and threw it carelessly in my direction. "It's mostly clean."


"Or you can use the toilet paper to dry yourself off," Jimin flashed me a sardonic grin. "Since the toilet broken we have plenty of unused toilet paper rolls."

"I'm good," I stammered. "Thanks." I left the bedroom shaking my head a little.

Two doors huh?

When I reached the bathroom I was mildly surprised and relieved to see it was almost like any other bathroom on earth.

I didn't know what exactly I was expecting. Maybe the bathtub floating upside down or something like that.

I shut the door behind me and began to strip my dirty clothes off.

Very soon I was relishing the warm rain on my body and realized how sore a lot of my muscles were from all the walking and the stress it had been through. The explosion from earlier hadn't been like a bomb.

When the boys and I had investigated briefly earlier, several of them had suspected it was more of just a shockwave of the destruction of the Ouija board and the fire was the side effect of Taehyung's powers.

It was disgusting how much grime was coming off my body and I grabbed a bar of soap that smelled slightly of oranges and lavender. I couldn't help but glance at the misshaped red mark on my stomach as I scrubbed myself. It was almost in the shape of a half-moon: an old scar from when I was seven years old and got into an accident.

I personally didn't remember the actual incident. I just remember waking up in the hospital with my family surrounding me and crying.

They had said I had been biking with them when I'd lost control of the bike and veered right into the way of a car and had been critically injured.

I probably was in the shower for a solid hour before I finally turned it off. Opening the stall door, I had just grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body when a strange scratching sound at the door.

"Don't come in," I called hastily slipping on the pair of sweats Jimin had lent me.

A strange growling sound made me pause and cause my blood to run cold. The scratching persisted and even increased in intensity and volume as whoever or whatever was making the noise seemed intent on coming in.

Should I call for help?

Panic shot through me as the bathroom door handle began to glow red a little. I just managed to yank on the shirt and grab a bar of soap for a weapon when the knob of the door started to spin on its own, faster and faster.

"Jimin!" I began to shriek for help. "Help! JIMIN!"

The bathroom door suddenly burst open with a loud crack and I fell backwards as some thing entered the room with glowing red eyes.

I let loose another scream and chucked the bar of soap in the general direction of the creature that had just entered. Blood roared through my ears and I curled into a tight ball, praying that God take my soul if I died despite I was in the land of demons.

"Good grief what's going on in here Human?"

The familiar musical voice filled the bathroom.

"Get it away from me, Jimin!" I continued to yelp as I felt something wet touch my foot and I recoiled, scooting along the floor as best as I could.

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