Poem#2: Time Passing By

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Time passing by
Clock clicking its hands
Am I wasting my time
On something that I may not understand?

The moment I first saw you
It was just a moment of time
When I never liked you
When I never became so over the heels for you

Then at one minute, there you are
Reaching me out and asking a promise
A promise that I would never break
For that's when I noticed every minute I missed

As each day passes
Days were like hours
Hours of excitement
Hours of new surprises

Yet as I stumble on the quarter before 12
Problems being tackled one by one
Problems were raging against me
Restless, time raises up my confusion

As the time reaches 9 o'clock
I was filled of what ifs
I was filled with assumptions
I was filled of sadness, bitterness, and a cold heart

Stumbling at 10 o'clock
I am now left with an option
The option to give up and leave
Or to express make him realize what I really feel

11 o'clock is an hour before 12
And I made a decision
And whatever choice he makes
I'll accept the pain, no matter how much it takes

12 o'clock has arrived
And finally this feeling was at it's end
I finally confessed what I felt
Yet I still wonder, is it really the end?

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